Example sentences of "not [be] [vb pp] [prep] [det] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The differences between the two groups can not be couched in such grandiose terms .
2 It can not be recalled in any coherent form .
3 In America 26 of the 50 states have published ‘ shield ’ laws allowing journalists to protect their sources , with certain exceptions which generally apply only if the information is relevant , can not be obtained in any other way , and public interest is better served by disclosure than by keeping the source confidential .
4 A genuine need for the results which can not be obtained in any other , equally credible way .
5 In Darwin 's version pangenesis could not be squared with these cytological generalizations ; for , if each of the two masses of gemmules coming together at fertilization is taken to be one cell , then it has not arisen in the division of one cell in that parent ; while , if each is taken to be a myriad of cells , then far too many are coming together at fertilization .
6 It will create an environment in which housing and jobs will be created on a scale which could not be achieved in any other way .
7 Since this sequence can not be represented in any other way ( see below ) , you can not cancel a suspended CLI command file from within a program .
8 The argument can not be stopped at this simple point , however .
9 In 66 cases there was a statistically significant effect which could not be explained by any other means .
10 The enhanced changes observed in this study in posterior wall biopsy specimens compared with those from the anterior wall can not be explained by any clinical factor .
11 Peace was clearly desired , and if it could not be arranged on these agreed terms , it must be found by other means .
12 Union observers believe that unless Dagenham can be transformed by 1994 into an efficient , viable plant then it will not be selected for another new model .
13 The origin and symbolic meaning of some individual motifs and designs are well documented , but the majority can not be traced to any undisputed source , and a number of conflicting mythologies have grown up around them .
14 The power is wide enough on the one hand to allow the statement of an eye-witness to an accident to express an opinion ( eg that one of the drivers was going too fast ) and on the other hand to allow a party to put in a medical report from a doctor who has died or who can not be called for any other reason .
15 The dyadic sign need not be endowed with any unitary significance , or be regarded as a newly constructed compound of previously mastered components .
16 He and Jonathon Alleyne were close friends — some said business associates , though technically Alleyne could not be tied to any commercial ventures .
17 The reforms of the 1986 and 1988 Education Acts can not be handled through any single pattern of management .
18 The story of the blacksmith 's involvement in the Battle of Drumclog can not be substantiated by any written record of the battle but it has been handed down through many generations of people in the Irvine Valley and spoken of with pride .
19 And remember , flues should not be interconnected with any other room .
20 I hope that my enthusiasm for the subject material in the above discussion will not be mistaken for any wholehearted support of some sort of postmodern aesthetics or politics .
21 By the time that the Book of Isaiah was written however , things were being said about Israel 's God that could not be said of any other , and this led increasingly to the claim that the God of Israel is the only one that exists .
22 The same can not be said of some other British universities , whose students are sometimes obliged to travel considerable distances to observe the raw materials to which their research relates .
23 The same can not be said of some other British universities , whose students are obliged to travel considerable distances to observe the raw materials to which their research relates .
24 These lessons from Ireland can surely not be ignored by any small British party seeking fair and reliable PR .
25 However many of the allegedly doubtful species have more recently been re-recorded , and the work of Heslop Harrison and his team remains a major contribution which can not be ignored by any serious student of the Outer Hebridean flora .
26 According to a second account , Locke 's ‘ substratum ’ should not be related to such abstract logical questions about the difference between ‘ things ’ and ‘ properties ’ .
27 In ethno-linguistic terms the ‘ oldest ’ peoples of Siberia are those speaking the ‘ Palaeoasiatic , languages , which can not be related to any known families of languages outside Siberia .
28 Any other taxpayers who have agreed with the Inland Revenue that an action is a test case and that they will also benefit from the decision against the Revenue , should also not be affected by any retrospective amendment .
29 They conclude that the easterly route does not give value for money and can not be justified on any conceivable cost benefit analysis , or on any opportunity cost analysis , or on any orthodox accounting analysis .
30 If an authority misdirects itself in law , or acts arbitrarily on the basis of considerations which lie outside its statutory powers , or so unreasonably that its decisions can not be justified by any objective standard of reasonableness , then it is the duty and function of the courts to pronounce that such decisions are invalid when these are challenged by anyone aggrieved by them and who has the necessary locus stand I to do so .
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