Example sentences of "not [vb infin] and [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 A board of directors could not exist and act as a corporate entity if it were composed of two groups of people , each deriving its authority from and answerable to a different principal body , the one liable to be in conflict with the other ; for it would in fact be a negotiating committee .
2 We could not wait and joined with the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission to commission experiments in Canada .
3 One crew member ejected but was later found drowned , the other did not eject and died in the crash .
4 The churches were usually brick built , and even when their walls did not crack and warp under the impact of the process , there remains , according to Romanian architects , the threat that their very bricks could crumble within a few years .
5 It can not move and shoot in the same turn , except that it can be turned to face its intended target .
6 A volley gun can not move and shoot in the same turn except to turn to face its target .
7 A cannon can not move and shoot in the same turn except to turn to face its target .
8 Before the double dais sat a small , slight , unimpressive man who frequently could not recall , sometimes could not hear and peered at the briefing books through wire-rimmed glasses .
9 ‘ Power and knowledge directly imply each other … there is no power relation without the correlative constitution of a field of knowledge , nor any knowledge that does not presuppose and constitute at the same time power relations ’ ( Foucault , 1977 : 27 ) .
10 I am against circuses with animal acts , and I do not try and stand outside a circus and stop people going in .
11 One thousand men could not enter and remain in the vicinity for any time without being discovered .
12 Listen , I goes , I do n't care who it was but you better not come and knock for no more because my Mum 's screwing with you .
13 Even the proposers from the Trust would not come and talk to the public .
14 The other consequence was that , if Stewart kings did not live and reign until a ripe old age , they had the immeasurable advantage of always having been kings ; most were barely aware , some not at all , of any time in their lives when they had not worn the crown .
15 Although the feet do not stretch and point in the way we still care about in the West , the dancers do not just move from position to position ; they dance in a long poem of fluently musical movement that is classical ballet 's chief claim to fame .
16 Uncut diamonds do not glitter and gleam like the cut and polished article that appears at the end of the process .
17 He may regard me as an amateur but the fact is that , due to physical difficulties , I can not pull and twist in a horizontal mode and so I invoked gravity to assist .
18 Is it the case that he merely dismisses those submissions with which he does not agree and proceeds in an autocratic fashion ?
19 It has often been noted that the disease is rarely contracted by medical , clerical or other visitors who do n't eat and drink in the sickroom .
20 Amiss directed ferocious attention towards his tray , giving a spirited impression of a man who could n't eat and listen at the same time .
21 They ca n't stay and look at the , that child all the time can they ?
22 Wallace and Speed were the scorers … shame Town ca n't appeal and ask for a replay …
23 I mean we do n't whether she sort of it does n't say whether she volunteered to go and talk to the people in the school , but even so it 's quite it takes quite a lot of doing to stand up in front of a group of people you do n't know and talk about the work .
24 Claudia did n't contribute and concentrated on the younger children .
25 She 's used to louts , thugs , layabouts — it 's her job : she cuts off the bits that Society does n't like and paints over the scars .
26 He was a good baby , did n't startle and wake at the least noise , like some did , but there was a pleasure in being gentle and slow about things .
27 ‘ Ca n't stop and chatter with the working class now , darling , ’ she continued .
28 So Herbie did n't try and jump in the car before I could lift him and trying to get Audrey in with her stiff leg .
29 Only see one way in which we are like God is in having moral and spiritual capacities no other creature has moral and spiritual capacities , they do not of the potential to worship , they do not of a code er , er , of moral laws , they 're not governed by that , it 's a case of , of the , might makes right , it 's a case of the strongest the one that survives and the weakest goes to the wall you 've only got to look er at a litter of pups and the last one is the one that 's pushed to the back every time is n't it , there 's no moral law there , those pups and the , and the bitch does n't er work out , that because that one is weaker it should be getting more , more nourishment , it should be cared for better , it does n't work like that in any thing else , but God has placed within humanity a moral responsibility and his place within as a spiritual capacity , were more than just animals , were created in his image , so God created us , capable of knowing him and growing to be like him and in his original creation they 're in need of , the , the , the highlight of it was when he came down and communicated and talked with Adam and Eve there in the garden and shared his heart with them and there was this perfect commune between God the creator and man his creation , he never did it to any animal , he did n't go and talk to the trees and the plants perfect though they were , he never looked on any of the other creatures that he had made , wonderful though they may be , beautiful in their colouring , and go and talk with them , but he talks with Adam and he shares his heart with him his purpose is that Adam should communicate with him and walk with him and has fellowship with him , growing to be like him , but you see even though God created us like that , he did n't create us as puppets , it was n't God up in heaven pulling the strings and Adam did that and Eve did this and that was how it were , God is not a puppeteer and he made as capable of choosing good and evil , he gave us moral choices , because he made us his moral beings and so we could choose to do this and not to do that , we could choose to , to do this and to leave the other undone .
30 ‘ No , I wo n't go and sit on a mountain .
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