Example sentences of "not [vb infin] [pron] [prep] [noun sg] [verb] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 There are some types of case which it can not sustain , and some which do not need it in order to remain at home ; but there is a group — those with relatively severe dementia , probably living alone , and unable to receive the care they need from elsewhere ( usually because they do not have able and willing involved relatives ) who appear unlikely to have remained at home had it not been for the involvement of the Home Support Project .
2 However , the horse in captivity usually can not help itself in anxiety provoking situations : it is dependent upon people for its reduction in anxiety ; it relies upon people for its needs .
3 She could n't think what on earth to say .
4 For some reason , she could n't think what on earth to write to him .
5 Cooking does n't bore me like cleaning does .
6 ‘ It 's the kind of sport where you do n't need lots of cash to do well , ’ she says .
7 ‘ The man does n't know what on earth to do . ’
8 He has a way of standing with his hands by his side or behind his back , as if he does n't know what on earth to do with them .
9 So y y y you , you , you , you 've got at least three things which are all sort of brewing up there and you think good grief what a , what a , what a state to be in because the poor doctor does n't know what on earth to do , poor Jan does n't know , well it 's worse for Jan cos she 's sitting there thinking I 'm going potty or , you know , ca n't stand properly or you know is leaning over or , or numb down one side of her face or , or or whatever it was , it was i i it was the , the dizziness I think actually which which was most alarming .
10 They wo n't send them to home addresses free ?
11 ‘ Now do you believe me when I say that I did n't touch you in order to prove some theory about your boyfriend meaning nothing to you ? ’
12 I Could n't decide which to card to go , oh yeah that 's it .
13 Edouard was sent back home , they could n't have him at work looking like that . ’
14 I did n't have it in mind to go looking for a four-piece group .
15 Yeah I 'm going to getting the stamps off these en envelopes cos I have to put all these in a hurry in the end , also got loads of time , then I realised it was half past ten , no wonder I did n't get anything at home forgotten where we keep them
16 You did n't say anything about school did you ?
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