Example sentences of "not [v-ing] [verb] [pers pn] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She held the bag between them , suddenly not daring to put it down in case it signalled something , the consequences of which she might regret .
2 It 's not going to press you back in the seat on acceleration or break any speed records , but it 's far from sluggish — a 119mph top speed , in fact , and 0–62mph in 12.8 seconds .
3 And er he , he could use the er h his vestry or another room at the , the church but somebody calling in the evening , he 's not going to take them over to a a cold room for an interview .
4 If you are totally fed up , one extra bar of chocolate or cake or any one single luxury item is not going to set you back to square one .
5 Then , almost in the same breath and contemplating all that space , he added , ‘ You 're not going to fill it up with furniture are you ? ’
6 ‘ The next time I take her for a walk , I 'm not going to let her out of my sight , ’ he said .
7 ‘ I do n't believe you for a moment ; even if I did , you 're my only lead and I 'm not going to let you out of my sight until I catch up with Garry .
8 Connelly 's not going to fuck it up by starting a drugs war , is he ? ’
9 Not going to pay me back for the bloody nose , even if you did nearly knock my head off ? ’
10 I 'm not going to bail him out by jumping into the car .
11 Er but of course I I must say something about section eleven funding , this whole section under funding , er is er featured in , in , in this section and er , er I 'm not too sure what the Tories are playing at er , unlike Bob I am not going to condemn them out of hand now , being a Democrat I want you to hear what they have to say and then we 'll roast them this afternoon
12 ‘ The Lord said to me the day before , ‘ You 're not going to make it out of your heat tomorrow ’ .
13 Well not recycling bringing it back into the thing , washing it and and refilling .
14 Much more cost effective is n't it if things to be done once rather than have to do reading them two or three times and generally the reason that things are repeated a number of times is that perhaps people are not really quite sure or not that that are systems , yet productivity the better trained people are people who can do things , get it right the first time and they can do more work ca n't they than somebody else you are not having to pick it up as the manager responsible and put mistakes right .
15 She had no time to dwell on the matter , however , because , ever a man with no time for prevarication , he replied , ‘ Not trying to trip you up at all , ’ then grated bluntly , ‘ More trying to discover just how many ‘ close ’ men friends you do have . ’
16 ‘ Having a good cry ’ , especially while being held by someone who is not trying to talk you out of it , is good , provided doing so does not seriously breach further injunctions about being ‘ feeble ’ and ‘ out of control ’ .
17 I 'm not trying to talk you out of anything . ’
18 But she was n't feeling easy with him now , and as he pushed an easy-chair closer to her couch , and sat down opposite her , she had the uncanniest feeling that he was n't going to let her out of the room until she had told him every last bit of what there was to tell .
19 Artemis attempted a smile to reassure him that she at least was n't going to let him down by crying , but he paid her no attention .
20 ‘ You are n't going to take me back to Gibraltar ? ’
21 If you have children of school-going age , the law is n't going to chuck them out of their settled home .
22 I was n't going to turn her out with nowhere to go , you know , young lady — but perhaps it 's a bit hard on an old lady to go into a new place after living in the same cottage most of her life .
23 We had a row , but telling the police we had a row is n't going to bring her back to life and it is n't going to find out who killed her , because I did n't . ’
24 But soon the colleges came to grips with Little Shop of Horrors as a topic for campus debate the world over , and they decided that Corman was telling them that he was not trying to hide the fact that it was a cheaply made film — this was the one he shot in two days — but he was n't trying to pass it off as serious movie-making either .
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