Example sentences of "not [adv] be [verb] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 At the same time , a constituency should form a homogenous whole and , ideally , it should not be so large in area that its affairs can not properly be overseen by its Members .
2 The products and services provided by these graduate entrepreneurs are diverse in nature and need not necessarily be related to their educational backgrounds or degree subjects .
3 That crucial time in a child 's life when he has the ability to understand that his parents and teachers are trying to prepare him for his adult life , will not necessarily be related to his age .
4 Well , most obviously I have learnt that what is good for me can not necessarily be applied to everyone , although I still tend to dish out unsolicited advice .
5 In Eliot 's view , the circumstances have changed so greatly over thirty years since 1924 that what was rightly said of Milton in that year can not rightly be said of him in 1954 .
6 By the time we have finished his chapter called ‘ The Heavens ’ , we have not only been informed about what the shape of the Ptolemaic universe was like , and how the belief in astrology worked , and how much knowledge was in our sense ‘ scientific ’ and how much ‘ poetic ’ or ‘ mythological ’ .
7 Landlords not only were assessed on their directly occupied land but were constantly calling for relief for tenants , for whom increasing poor rates were setting a ceiling for rents .
8 When two or more persons took as tenants in common , the share of each was treated as a separate item of property which could not only be transferred by him in his lifetime , but which would pass on his death to his representatives .
9 will not only be missed by his friends and colleagues in the Ipswich office but by all the mills where his work has been much appreciated .
10 Elizabeth Bennet , on the other hand , can not only be guided by her own feelings .
11 Churchill commented that the " British people would not easily be influenced by what happened in the distant jungles of South-East Asia ; but they did know that there was a powerful American base in East Anglia and that war with China , who would invoke the Sino-Russian Pact , might mean an assault by hydrogen bombs on these islands " .
12 For a working constitution in a democracy implies reference to certain norms and standards which lie beyond and outside the document itself , and which can not easily be inferred from it by someone who is not steeped in the history and culture of the country concerned .
13 It will not normally be used on its own but as a facing or interlayer in composite materials .
14 These were groups in need of institutional care and whose need could not always be attributed to their own fault .
15 He was not certain of the exact meaning of the word , but he knew without doubt that it could not possibly be applied to him .
16 Mr. Mottram , our ships could not Possibly be run on their Present manifests !
17 He noted the rapid , undignified scramble by which the culprit extricated himself from the ropes on the river path , followed by ominous little trickles of loose earth ; and the exaggerated dignity with which he compensated as soon as he was clear , his slender back turned upon the voice that blasted him out of danger , his crest self-consciously reared in affected disregard of sounds which could not possibly be directed at him .
18 Although the hammock episode is explicable in terms of his experience , the subsequent transition to drifting above the ground can not reasonably be related to his usual fate when falling out of the hammock ; these dreams , which are not uncommon , seem uniquely detached from any experience in real life .
19 His goodwill with those customers belonged to him and can not reasonably be taken from him by a covenant of this kind .
20 It has not often been given to me as a poet , it is perhaps not often given to human beings , to find such ready sympathy , such wit and judgment together .
21 The opportunity has not been missed to point unfavourably at the controversial plans for the Bode Museum in Berlin which , it seems , will not now be restored to its original appearance as when built for Kaiser Friedrich in 1897–1904 .
22 Losing his job with the band had not really been to do with his mother being ill , but it had been easy to suggest the idea to Barnett .
23 But I have often asked myself what it is that drew me to Sibelius 's music and I think it is that he is a composer who can not really be compared to anyone else .
24 You see it 's quite nice that erm some money is , is coming in from outside , but I don I think ideally it 's not really being spent on what our , our top priorities would
25 The atmosphere with the actual returnees themselves is one of concern and apprehension I guess , because they 're concerned that they 've been involved in this , this crisis and they 're not quite sure what 's happening , and they are er not really being told by everybody , you know , there 's just too many people to make it very clear where they 're all going and when they 're all going .
26 Such images may startlingly demonstrate the general truth that the meaning of a work can not simply be equated with its subject .
27 But Jean Marie Le Pen 's following , which at the last elections reached 27 per cent in some regions , can not simply be explained by his charisma .
28 ‘ You 've not even been tempted by it ? ’
29 It 's not even been mentioned between us .
30 The satin was perfect , had not even been removed from its muslin wrappers .
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