Example sentences of "not [adv] [verb] [prep] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 His distribution contract did not expressly provide for him to be personally involved in the distribution although his personal involvement was appreciated .
2 Thus if x is round-shaped , or metal , say , x is not necessarily related to anything outside itself in virtue of being round-shaped or metal .
3 ‘ Well , you 're not much use to anyone in here . ’
4 Time after time , woman admitted to me that their partner 's success not only mattered to them in terms of money , but was a crucial component in their respect and desire for these men .
5 As a result , the Commission — still with 8,000 officials , who may be well paid but are nevertheless overworked — is dealing with more and more material not only initiated by itself in its legislative function of making proposals , but increasingly at the request of the politicians in the European Council .
6 He had not written anything he had not already said to me at different times ’ . ’
7 The two microphone techniques mentioned earlier were then rivals , and professional engineers and amateurs could not easily switch from one to the other , much less judge absolute fidelity .
8 Officially , I mean , not just bumping into him in the Lords ’ bar . ’
9 Members of clinical teams which manage attempted suicide patients should be familiar with the special problem of patients who deliberately injure themselves , and not just deal with them as if the behaviour was the same as self-poisoning .
10 The whole thing exacerbates the class system in Britain and that is why if you want a classless society — as the Prime Minister claims he does — then you have to act on it , not just talk about it like John Major .
11 On the final stage , the Ribblehead viaduct comes into view in a widening landscape and Whernside is seen in full stature , assuming a majesty not usually attributed to it from other directions .
12 Have I not ever come before Thee with a radiant countenance , ready for any injunctions or orders Thou mightest give ?
13 She was very shy , and did not often speak to anyone outside the family .
14 She was not now looking at him as a child looked .
15 Could my fondness have kept you steady I should not now appear before you in this solemn manner .
16 Not really to do with us at all .
17 We give them a provisional kind of price and not really gone into it in detail .
18 He had not really looked at it like that before .
19 Any evidence , whether actual or a product of your subconscious , comes from you yourself and is not simply given to you by another person who might or might not know what he is talking about .
20 ‘ [ The works committee ] have agreed to give you an assurance that the council will consult with you in the review of highway access to the area around number three basin , in accordance with the terms of the planning permission granted , and will not simply impose upon you without your agreement an entirely new point of access and exterior routing that could have an extremely detrimental effect upon the viability of your scheme .
21 You can not simply propose to me with no more reason than the discovery that I happen to sleep with a woman and expect an instant answer .
22 That does appeal to me because it 's nothing you 're not particularly competing to something like Yellow Pages or anything like that .
23 Hospital staff rush here and there , tell them to wait , to walk down long forbidding corridors to see a doctor — whose name they have n't even been told — who may not even speak to them by name in a way they can understand .
24 Thy even asked how those outside the group felt and I answered that since I could not even think of anyone in the Church who contributed nothing I could not possibly answer the question .
25 It is true in general , in spite of the fact that philosophers by no means speak with a single voice , and do not even agree among themselves about what they understand philosophy to be , since the nature of the subject , its preoccupations and methods , is itself a matter of philosophical disagreement .
26 He 'd never mentioned it to her and she had not even thought about it until now , but therein lay her escape .
27 ‘ And not even think of me on my birthday ? ’ mused Juliet .
28 He has decided that the reason Iago proffers for his villainy ( especially the absurd idea that both Casio and Othello have slept with his wife ) are genuine , if deranged convictions , rather than the dispassionately improvised rationalisations of a mind that can not even account to itself for its limitless evil .
29 The influence of Kant 's aesthetic theory on the forgoing of immediate pleasure is clear and explicit ; Simmel states that ‘ We desire objects only if they are not immediately given to us for our use and enjoyment ; that is , to the extent that they resist our desire ’ ( 1978 : 66 ) .
30 This was not fully comprehended by everyone at the time , although Macmillan and the Treasury recognized it .
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