Example sentences of "not [adj] for [adj] [noun] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 It is not possible for certain types to screen themselves fully , because the noise prevents this .
2 In Figure 6.3 the rapid increase of speed with depth in the outer 10 or 20 km is due largely to the increasing compaction of a fragmented medium as the overburden increases : it is not possible for solid rock to give this behaviour .
3 For instance in general , it is not possible for most goods to trade present amounts of them for future amounts nor is it possible to make such contracts conditional on some outside events like the weather .
4 Methodologically , it is not possible for any researcher to get the kids to talk with much sense of ideas since the question ‘ Why ? ’ to the smashing of milk bottles is one that is not possible for the boy to answer outside the context of the whole Saturday evening …
5 So you get , if you like , a development here er of presidential authority and the perception of the presidency both from the point of view of incumbents and from the point of view of the American people and gradually in the twentieth century you get an increasing focus an increasing focus on the presidency as the engine of government , that it 's the president who makes things happen , it 's the president who fixes things , it 's the president who responds to crises and as the crises become more frequent and the crises become more intense so the focus on the president also expands and the Buchanan view is now no longer tenable , the Buchanan view it 's not possible for any president to play the dignified monarch .
6 There were times when we wished that there had been a cash element but it is not sensible for any bank to pay out cash at this time .
7 It is not easy for young children to learn to ‘ wait patiently ’ , ‘ ask nicely ’ , and to be generous , considerate and self-sacrificing .
8 I think that at the moment it is not easy for ordinary people to learn to compute on most of the existing computing systems .
9 It is not easy for twentieth-century children to see any profound link between the real world and the mantra described as " magic syllables " and the action of the priest in " bringing the goddess to life " .
10 ‘ It is not easy for any outsider to gain a sufficient insight into the lives of these people .
11 It has also raised some practical difficulties in making a transfer of assets from one party to another when a portion of those assets consists of a pension which is not payable for many years to come .
12 It was not unusual for young ladies to do nothing at all ; unless they occupied themselves with Berlin woolwork or the making of shell boxes , there was practically nothing genteel to do .
13 It 's not unusual for many women to feel depressed a few days after giving birth .
14 It 's not unusual for many women to feel depressed a few days after giving birth .
15 LEFT Firm action needs to be taken towards a young dog which tries to bite , although during the teething phase , it is not unusual for many dogs to attempt to bite at their owner 's hand .
16 It is not unusual for unaccompanied children to travel as refugees .
17 It is therefore not unusual for junior nurses to feel that it takes them some time to " settle in " on a surgical ward .
18 Parents often complain that they can only get help or support when they have identified themselves as having a specific problem , and it is not unusual for some families to have several different workers trying to offer support and advice on specific problems which , in reality , are part of a whole situation .
19 It is not unusual for Arabic paragraphs to consist of one sentence .
20 But this does not indicate that the particular swim where you are catching 3lb to 4lb barbel will only produce fish in that size range , for once that shoal moves out it is not unusual for another shoal to move in , be they bigger or smaller .
21 Where a company is engaged in more than one kind of business , it is not unusual for significant differences to arise from year to year between the separate segments .
22 It was not uncommon for one man to hold land in several different tenures and to combine the roles of tenant and landlord .
23 French Aubusson and Savonnerie carpets of the 17th and 18th centuries , for example , followed the Baroque and Rococo elegance of the time with their bright colours and floral opulence , and it was not uncommon for 18th-century carpets to echo the ceiling designs of the rooms for which they were made .
24 Their marriage was certainly not typical , yet it is possible that even in the early twentieth century it was not uncommon for retired men to take on more responsibility at home , as many do today : for lack of other evidence , we can only speculate .
25 It was not uncommon for these missioners to refer to their deaf clients as ‘ our poor deaf brethren ’ .
26 Its not uncommon for whole defences to have a crap season .
27 The main reason for the first three failures to carry the Bill through Parliament was that the then Secretary of State for Education , George Kekewich , objected to the clauses in the Bill whereby it was not compulsory for local authorities to make any provision for the education of deaf children in their area .
28 Although essential oils can help the skin and the emotions , for example , without the aid of a therapist , for deep-rooted emotional and physical problems , hands-on healing is far superior if not essential for true healing to take place .
29 It is not difficult for corporate officials to cover themselves in ‘ purity ’ even when they are breaking the law because the ‘ structural immorality ’ of their corporate environment provides a library of verbal technique for neutralizing the moral bind of laws against corporate behaviour .
30 Modified accounts are not intended to give a fair and true view of the company and it is therefore not necessary for such accounts to comply with the disclosure provisions of SSAP .
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