Example sentences of "not [adv] have [det] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This is not to say , of course , that there is no relationship at all between reading and spelling : but it does seem that teaching phonics may not necessarily have much effect on spelling ability .
2 An increase in money supply will not necessarily have much effect on spending ; instead people may simply increase their holdings of idle speculative balances , with a corresponding decline in the speed with which money circulates ( V ) .
3 Yet another type of vocabulary can have difference in meaning for patient and nurse and thereby give rise to difficulties — words describing parts of the body , though having a particular anatomical reference , do not necessarily have that reference for lay people , even intelligent lay people .
4 Both of these will obviously know their picas from their points but do not necessarily have any experience with the Macintosh ( or any other computer system , come to that ) .
5 Apart from a glass of lager at dinner she had been drinking only fruit juices , while Rune 's own consumption of lager had been only moderate , not enough to have much effect on a man of such highly tuned physique , she comforted herself .
6 Whether this is a real practical difficulty depends on whether the desire to save face would not anyway have this effect of encouraging the same decision to be made again , even if there were no risk of a damages award .
7 Unfortunately we do not always have enough stories from the diocese to fill the space available and so have to use material from other sources .
8 She could not possibly have any guilt in her past .
9 Botham did not even have much luck with the weather during his captaincy .
10 I have had several barbel out of the swim since then , but not yet had another chance at a really big one .
11 In particular , those who manage individual schools have not yet had much experience in making a practical connection between defining their aims and implementing them within the framework of the national curriculum and in terms of quality assurance .
12 One of the district 's few fundholders was concerned that he had not yet had enough information on how he will be able to buy community health services in April .
13 In the absence of other worm supplies it may be hard to resist the temptation of feeding tubifex , particularly if one has not yet had any casualties following feeding .
14 We do not yet have any way of knowing .
15 Although we have now developed good links between business and secondary schools where companies try to interest pupils , we do not yet have enough tie-ups between primary schools and local businesses .
16 I 've been , I 've been through them all and er there 's only one or two that I 've not actually had any contact with actually one way or another .
17 In fact , reading as a process does n't necessarily have any effect at all on spelling , and an excellent reader may be a very weak speller .
18 Forty five point four , I 'll , I 'll sort this out in a minute , I do n't normally have this trouble at the station .
19 Reason said he could n't possibly have any recollection of a nineteen-year-old nobody he had once caused to be dismissed from her first job , but the knowledge of her bones was stronger .
20 It 's all too easy to think that whatever we do here in Britain ca n't possibly have any effect on people in countries thousands of miles away .
21 A good working dog — at least one is essential for any stock farmer but the Hauxwells did n't always have much luck in finding the right one .
22 ‘ He always worked very hard on the training pitch when he was at Tottenham , but he did n't always have that bit of luck a keeper sometimes needs .
23 I did n't really have much idea of what was going on at all .
24 At his age , and where he lives , he does n't really have much hope of getting anything more advanced , though he is certainly intelligent and able .
25 So I do n't really have much conversation with a lot of them .
26 " I do n't really have much time at all , thanks all the same . "
27 Er it 's but I do n't really have any problems with with selling er I 'm not hard sell er I do n't believe in er stuffing things down people 's throat .
28 Leicester City Council says that with forty thousand light bulbs to install it does n't really have any alternative to starting so early .
29 You do n't really have any inhibitions about stealing , do you , Maria ?
30 I was terrified , I sat there until my boyfriend came back , I did n't even have enough money for my bus fare or to make a phone call to my brother and ask him to come and pick me up .
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