Example sentences of "not [adv] [adj] [conj] [pers pn] do " in BNC.

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1 The reductivist enterprise thus inevitably comes to grief , and it is not altogether surprising that it does .
2 Greenfield herself provides some evidence that the test situation was not entirely culture-free although she does not allow this to restrict her from making large inferences from the results .
3 No it 's not entirely true cos we did have a budget for overtime
4 I have seen photographs of her ( looking it must be admitted not much younger than she did at the time in which this story is set ) , across which she has signed herself ‘ Mademoiselle ’ , and sometimes ‘ Miss ’ .
5 There is a pouched mouse in Australia , though in this case the resemblance is not so close and it does not make its living in quite the same way .
6 What is remarkable about the text-books ( which describe the chemical structure of the various chains in loving detail ) is not so much that they do not explain the discrepancy but that they do not even notice it ; nor are they apparently interested in the fact that the work of fracture for a material like Polythene or Nylon is at least a hundred times higher than it is for most of the thermosetting plastics .
7 It was not so much that she did not trust him as that she had been inhibited by her clerical superiors , Gilbert included .
8 Not so much because I do n't understand the subject ( that is no real obstacle to a lecturer ) , but more because of the time we are likely to consume , even if we keep a respectable distance from quantum mechanics and concentrate solely on phenomenological theories .
9 I am not so thick-brained that I did n't get the memo . ’
10 And that piece of undeniable truth was , perhaps , a mistake , too , for Dr Neil was not so drunk that he did not ask , without a pause , ‘ And what happened to them , McAllister , when you lost your parents and your fortune ? ’
11 Then there are the film adaptations since 1950 , almost all of them missed opportunities , and the fluctuating fortunes of the plays in the theatre , of which Holroyd provides a compact summary — though not so compact that he does not find room for such items as a musical version of Antony and Cleopatra called Her First Roman , which opened ( and closed ) in Boston in the late Sixties .
12 I thought the Sex stuff was a bit weird but not so weird that I did n't want to get involved with it .
13 ‘ I 'm not so green that I do n't know what a man means when he invites a woman back to his flat after midnight . ’
14 ‘ What you mean is , you 're not so thick-skulled that you did n't get the message . ’
15 The chairs are not so bad cos they do n't lean as far back as settee back
16 Not only that but they do have different ways of achieving their maximum personal utility .
17 ‘ Probably not as much as I did when I was a kid ; the travelling part is hard .
18 Yes , so we need to sort of keep on top of that one and I 'm not really sure until we do get our
19 Well , Mr. Bolton , I am not really certain that you DO have a problem !
20 but we stayed home then , yeah I 'm not quite sure where you did go
21 Well what I tried last weekend , not quite crying but I did a sort of moody sort of thing , I di I was really quiet and I just ignored everyone and I was like really like you know did n't say a word .
22 However , the world 's preponderance of very poor people want to get richer as quickly as they can and are probably not too concerned if they do so at the expense of the environment .
23 Street lights are not too bad because they do n't shine directly into your face and only cast a fairly soft light .
24 ‘ I 'm not absolutely certain and I do n't have any concrete proof .
25 ’ Luckily , the three bum-bag winners were not aquatically inclined but I do hope software houses show a little more consideration in future .
26 That 's not very clever if you do n't mind me saying so !
27 In terms of how rant and rave for probably not very long and you do n't get aggressive behaviour , got nowhere else to go , you got ta get to come back down hang on to the chair to grim death absolute shambles never used it like this .
28 Academically , this test is not very accurate but it does have some value as a rough comparative test between different materials .
29 That would have created jobs quickly , it 's not very inflationary and it does n't suck in large amounts of imports .
30 Her father lives quite close by , but they are not very close and she does not see very much of him .
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