Example sentences of "not [verb] [pron] i [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 erm It 's not easy to give an example that 's brief , because of what I 've just said about the style , but I offer one very short passage here , which might or might not convey what I 'm attempting to say .
2 If I meet my young son from school , laughing with his friends and waving to me and the dog , who wags its tail and barks in return , should I be supposed not to know what I am talking about if I pronounce them both to be conscious ?
3 ‘ I do not know what I am thinking .
4 ‘ Jay , right , he can not know what I 'm talking about , say you 're distraught , acting irrationally , suffering from bizarre flights of fancy .
5 ‘ Then , of course , I did not know what I was signing . ’
6 If I said , ‘ It looks blue ’ but otherwise seemed incapable of colour discrimination , of being able to respond differently , verbally and in other ways , to differently coloured things , and , particularly , of being able to tell when other blue things were present and when absent , then people would rightly suspect that I did not know what I was talking about , that my experience could not really be of its looking blue .
7 I was so young and foolish and I did not know what I was doing . ’
8 Van Doren 's excuse to the investigating congressional committee was the most interesting part of the unedifying episode : ‘ I was almost able to convince myself that it did not matter what I was doing because it was having such a good effect on the national attitude to teachers , education and the intellectual life . ’
9 I could not believe what I was hearing .
10 Being sure I was on course did not convince me I was going the same way as everyone else .
11 Does anybody not understand what I 'm trying
12 I knew that he would not understand what I was going to say but it was as if there was an invisible person in the carriage before whom I had to justify myself .
13 I can not remember what I was expecting exactly , but I found this slightly disappointing .
14 And I say I I ca n't , I honestly can not remember what I was doing , I remember the environment one because I got a module written on that erm I remember that I had put in er I want to do first aid and safety in the home sort of thing er , they were three modules that I wanted er , to do .
15 Twenty metres or so from the grass-packed hill which looks over the Rabbit Grounds I switched to Silent Running , pacing stealthily through the long weeds and reeds , careful not to let anything I was carrying make a noise .
16 ‘ Do you not hear what I am saying ?
17 It was a pretty good feeling , even not knowing what I was going to do in life now .
18 Not knowing what I was letting myself in for , but feeling in the mood for experiment , I said I would have one too .
19 And , whether you believe that or not that is not effecting what I 'm saying today and whether it 's accurate or not !
20 Maybe you only get one chance at a fish like that — a particular fish anyway — and I blew my chance through not planning what I was going to do after I had hooked him .
21 Oh good , er , That 's the first time I 've heard religious sort of erm I better not say what I was going to say .
22 I would n't trust anybody I was talking to that lady , paper shop you know where you used to wait for Les
23 I do n't know what I am looking for , and I do n't find it .
24 I do n't know what I am doing .
25 I do n't know what I am doing .
26 And , cos we had a bit of a laugh about it , I do n't know what I 'm telling you about it for cos you hear him read anyway !
27 I really do n't know what I 'm saying . ’
28 ‘ I do n't know what I 'm saying any more .
29 I do n't know what I 'm saying
30 and none of you are , do n't know what I 'm saying to you right
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