Example sentences of "not [verb] [art] [noun] [subord] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 To pick verses at random from the Bible proves nothing at all , except that we are gullible and are not using the Scriptures as we are intended to .
2 If you are not using the swimfeeder as it should be used then you may as well tackle up with a link-leger and feed by hand .
3 Users tend not to see the errors because they 're corrected by the network software , but the need for retries slows things down .
4 A memorandum of satisfaction that the charge has been discharged can also be registered ; it must be signed by both the chargee and the company and if a fraudulently signed memorandum is registered it is submitted that it will not affect the chargee as it would not be a ‘ duly ’ signed memorandum .
5 We know that none of the answers is likely to be a perfect fit , and it will not affect the result if you feel bound to skip an inappropriate one entirely .
6 Afterwards he told her not to report the incident because he could have her ‘ nicked ’ for soliciting .
7 Where the landlord has such a right , it is often overlooked in practice , and the landlord does not make a requirement until it is too late .
8 I once left a message on a colleague 's answering machine saying that someone else could not make a meeting because she had resigned .
9 Would it not make a difference if one identified experience , not with some disposition to overt behaviour , but with the ‘ behaviour ’ of the brain as it ‘ discriminates ’ the various sorts of stimuli within the nervous system ?
10 The court must therefore be satisfied that the order will positively contribute to the child 's welfare and must not make an order unless it considers that doing so would be better for the child than making no order at all .
11 The court will not make an order unless it considers it just and equitable to do so having regard , in particular , to the number of shareholders who have been traced but who have not accepted the offer .
12 There were also councils of an altogether different political complexion who knew full well that most of their electorate would not make an issue if they skimped the care of minority , socially disadvantaged groups .
13 I would not make an offer if I was told a player was not for sale .
14 He had said that he did not want a solicitor when he first arrived at the police station , at 2 p.m .
15 This might well be the case , but it still does not answer the question whether it can be said that there is no morality without religion .
16 All the time she was muttering under her breath , not articulating the words so they could be understood , or so it was even clear what language she was speaking .
17 She had not heard the door as it softly brushed the carpet .
18 The judge did not regard the case as one at the higher end of the culpable homicide scale but a human life had been taken and he jailed Sutherland for five years .
19 Police said last night that Tel , who was driving alone , was not given a B-test because there was no suspicion he had been drinking .
20 Alexander served her well but failed her by not producing an heir when he married that French hussy . ’
21 Erm , as we know , Bullitt was a member of the delegation and an intimate of , of Wilson , so the book is er co- authored , so in a sense we should know as we 're paying for , for all of it , because er , obviously , he relied on Bullitt to give him all this biographical information , and er , consequently what you see Freud doing in this in this book is , is er trawling through , as it were , the things that Bullitt told him , that , that Bullitt had found out , to erm , draw a kind of psy psychoanalytic portrait of Woodrow Wilson , that erm , tried to explain his problem , why did he not deliver the goods as it were .
22 If he met anyone he could say , with perfect truthfulness , that he had been absorbed in correcting students ' essays and had not realised the time until it was after five o'clock ?
23 Though because perhaps we feel guilty or embarrassed about the whole area of mental health we 're not tackling the problems when they come up nearly as well we might .
24 Perhaps Locke did not recognise the difference because he used the same word , ‘ idea ’ , both for what we would ordinarily call an idea and for what is imprinted in , or on , the mind , the ‘ sensation ’ .
25 In its adjudication , it says : ‘ The CPS decided not to prosecute the woman as there were problems with the quality and admissibility of the evidence submitted by the Daily Mirror .
26 No , no , we 're not videoing the Dambusters cos there 's got the cup final on tomorrow .
27 BR did not lodge a defence until it was too late and judgement had been made .
28 He was not certain ; he would not trust the woman until he knew more about her presence here .
29 In this as in other areas , the fundamental error in our approach to policing is revealed : we do not trust the police so we build safeguards into the way they exercise their power .
30 But Norwich social services bosses say he does not need the pass because he can hobble a quarter of a mile without help .
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