Example sentences of "not [verb] [verb] it [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She held the bag between them , suddenly not daring to put it down in case it signalled something , the consequences of which she might regret .
2 Then , almost in the same breath and contemplating all that space , he added , ‘ You 're not going to fill it up with furniture are you ? ’
3 Connelly 's not going to fuck it up by starting a drugs war , is he ? ’
4 ‘ The Lord said to me the day before , ‘ You 're not going to make it out of your heat tomorrow ’ .
5 Well not recycling bringing it back into the thing , washing it and and refilling .
6 Hermann Neuberger , the chairman of the International Football Federation World Cup organising committee , said players who had been shown the yellow card once during qualifying games would not have to carry it over to the finals .
7 Hermann Neuberger , the chairman of the International Football Federation World Cup organising committee , said players who had been shown the yellow card once during qualifying games would not have to carry it over to the finals .
8 This was a pub with an Irish band , but North , who had Irish blood , may not have chosen it out of sentiment ; the music was so loud that it frequently , and perhaps providentially , drowned out the conversation .
9 Much more cost effective is n't it if things to be done once rather than have to do reading them two or three times and generally the reason that things are repeated a number of times is that perhaps people are not really quite sure or not that that are systems , yet productivity the better trained people are people who can do things , get it right the first time and they can do more work ca n't they than somebody else you are not having to pick it up as the manager responsible and put mistakes right .
10 you just can not seem to get it out of your
11 I had a small beach searchlight but was not allowed to switch it on at night .
12 But the U.S. has space and a welcome for even more of us : with travel and tourism its third-largest retail industry , the ailing American economy can not afford to leave it up to our own tour firms to persuade us that the time — and price — is right .
13 I can not afford to buy it back at today 's prices . "
14 No you do n't want to tip it out on there cos you get germs darling
15 But the 250 is brand new and I do n't want to take it out in the rain !
16 if , if , if he says I 've done it in class and I do n't want to finish it off at home , that 's fair enough , but what 's gon na happen when he gets to secondary level and he 's got this idea that if he does n't finish it in class , that 's it , he does n't do it , he wo n't finish learning the topic
17 Yes , okay and we 're still coming round yet again and the last one cos she 's got quite a large fist , I 'll take it over the top , round the back and this one now I can tie , tie it off , sorry tie it off on the back of her hand now , I do n't want to tie it off on the front cos in a minute I want to put this into a sling not too tight ?
18 I do n't want to get it out of proportion with other great doctrines of the faith , but this subject goes to the very heart of the gospel and has radical implications for everyday life .
19 I do n't need to spell it out for you but the assumption is that he was going back drunk and got hit .
20 ‘ I do n't need to spell it out to you , ’ she said scornfully , ‘ but I will .
21 She did n't remember putting it back in .
22 I did n't like to point it out to him .
23 We 're alright for , to have petrol they have n't had to put it up for
24 I mean , I have n't had to clean it out at all .
25 You do n't have to camp it up with me . "
26 They 're sure to give the go-ahead , otherwise they would n't have chucked it out in the first place .
27 ‘ I could n't have made it through on my own , ’ says Korda .
28 So , sure , we do need rote-learning , we do need to be able to say ‘ Three times four is twelve ’ , we must n't have to work it out on our fingers .
29 I 'm sure I do n't have to spell it out for you . ’
30 You wo n't have put it out like that .
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