Example sentences of "he [modal v] have [verb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He may have made a cool £250,000 out of writing George Michael 's biography , but he was cute enough to identify a demand for the tome , and lucky George did n't want to rip him off for the proceeds .
2 He may have to wait a few years to enter a Tory Cabinet .
3 Mr. Gardiner argued that Walton J. erred in a number of respects although he may have reached the right answer by the wrong route .
4 There is no simple answer but I think he may have halted a destructive spiral .
5 Alternatively , he may have devised the anti-clerical legislation of the period 1529 to 1533 as a weapon to bludgeon the pope into granting the annulment , only to resort to the supremacy as an emergency measure when Anne Boleyn became pregnant in 1533 .
6 He may have seen the continental ice cap , raised by mirage .
7 Although there is no evidence that Horace Walpole ( who died on 2 March 1797 ) ever attended College meetings it is pleasant to think that he may have formed the undiscovered link between Lord Camden and the as yet unlocated Veterinary College .
8 Even if the lobbyist is not entirely successful in putting across his point of view , he may have limited the potential damage of the new legislation .
9 And he may have to live a long time with the third .
10 Alternatively , he may have represented a powerful aristocratic family descended from neither the Deiran nor the Bernician royal family and which was aspiring to royal power for the first time , though the likelihood is that some such affinity was at least claimed .
11 But at that stage he may have valued the intellectual stimulus that a closer intercourse with Jesuit astronomers seemed to promise .
12 He may have had a sixth sense about the presence of some stranger in the house ; more likely he saw some physical evidence — a coat , a hat — belonging to a person he knew .
13 His determination to deny them the ‘ improved living and working conditions , proper social protection , dialogue between management and labour ’ aspired to by the Maastricht social chapter suggest he may have had a different community in mind from the sort outside the gates of Timex .
14 He is generally unmarried , even though he may have had a shady past which included associating with women .
15 He may have had an unfortunate experience with a highway engineer —
16 He frets that , when it comes to the point , the requirements for SATs may not tally with the requirements for GCSE ; that he may have to regroup the whole school to align pupils according to their ability rather than their age .
17 The man got away but he may have left a vital clue .
18 A child may come before a hearing on an offence referral and be made subject to a supervision requirement for a number of reasons , of which the offence may be only one ; the child may on review be kept subject to a supervision requirement , even though he may have committed no further offences , because of , say , inadequate parental care .
19 He may have meant the general composition of what had been the whole great building : who is to say that he did not also intend the look , smell , feel and silence of these stones ?
20 He may have lasted the full 90 mins … but the opposition were n't making life that difficult for him ! !
21 In addition to the mycoplasma , Taylor-Robinson thinks he may have found a new anaerobic bacterium ( one that can not live in the presence of oxygen ) which also seems to be associated with NGU .
22 His childhood had largely been spent , however , in the more socially elevated household of his snobbish and unloved aunt , Elizabeth Tyler , from whom he may have learnt the polished superficiality of manner which was one feature of his character .
23 Is not the Minister deeply ashamed that he intends to carry on with that cruel and stupid tax instead of scrapping it , as he should have done a long time ago ?
24 TO SACK Norman Lamont now , eight months after he should have done the honourable thing for failing to keep sterling within Europe 's exchange-rate mechanism , would smack of prime-ministerial panic and cheap populism .
25 I love the fresh smell in the air when everything seems to be coming to life again and I felt a natural surge of joy , as if in a few weeks ' time John would be coming home from his first trip away just as he should have done the previous April .
26 But Knox , who was the most brilliant orator of his generation at Oxford — star of the Union , wit , punster in tongues ancient and modern — had left Oxford before the end of the First World War to become a Roman Catholic , and after his return there as chaplain to the Catholics , it was perhaps understandable that he should have kept a low profile .
27 It was ironical that he should have made a magical 153 against Notts , while England 's batsmen floundered at Old Trafford .
28 In retrospect , for example , many Gaullists concluded that he should have formed a Gaullist movement of the kind that he formed , too late , in 1947 — a movement that could have channelled popular adulation into usable political support .
29 So yo , so you 're saying that it should have been explained to the man from West Calder that that 's the sort of , er level of charges he 'd had to pay and if he did n't want to pay it he should have taken a different house ?
30 Lennox also hit back at critics , who claim he should have avoided the dangerous Ruddock and hidden himself away for a world title shot , snapping : ‘ I know the British fight fans will respect me for going in against the best instead of facing an easy touch .
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