Example sentences of "he [be] [adj] [conj] [pron] [is] " in BNC.

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1 He is frail and it is upsetting for her . ’
2 Deep down , he is convinced that he is the best thing that has happened to his country since the invention of goulash .
3 On the personal front she has to choose between her one-time fiancé Paul whom she loves but can not marry because he is Catholic and she is divorced , and Bernard , a fellow philologist who attracts her physically but is selfish , emotionally dishonest , and married .
4 You tell me that Bill is at home and either he is drunk or he is sober .
5 He is content when he is working , because when he is working he is pleasing his owner and that is what a Rottweiler really loves to do .
6 She submits , not because she is threatened with or fears immediate violence , but because she feels helpless to resist in a situation in which he is all-powerful and she is powerless .
7 He is unemployed because he is ill , he gets £40.95 sickness benefit and the hostel takes £30 for bed and breakfast .
8 He is happiest when he is with his master or mistress .
9 Apparently " The twentieth century Salvationist is an activist … he is happiest when he is doing something . "
10 He is aggressive but he is a very honest person .
11 Of course we may say of someone that he is imaginative if he is original and spontaneous , and if his work is expressive .
12 Providing a coroner has considered the result of a post mortem examination and he is satisfied that there is no reasonable cause to suspect an unnatural death , then he is entitled to proceed under section 19(1) and to decline to hold an inquest .
13 However , a Commissioner may still investigate if he is satisfied that it is not reasonable to expect the complainant to use or have used this right .
14 He is single-minded and it is hard to communicate with him .
15 Or : because he is foreign and she is unused to his ways and meanings .
16 One night in hospital , but she thinks , she said after that , and he is improving and he 's doing P E now so
17 He is ideal because he is both a statesman and an artist [ he used to write rather stodgy plays ] , and we believe he shares the values we stand for , ’ says an ICA spokesman .
18 He is generic because it is unmarked , but if we ask why it is unmarked we are told , because it is generic .
19 Dr Kingdom is hiding something , though I am not sure he is aware that he is .
20 Though he is aware that there is another , more commonly accepted , way of working Owen is reluctant to compromise
21 Once established , even man finds it difficult to change his trend of mind , even if he is aware that it is leading to his downfall .
22 He is tough and he is tender , wrathful and ruthful .
23 To misquote you : he is itinerant because he is miserable . ’
24 He 's he 's taller than me is n't he ?
25 ‘ By the way , Rob , ’ Merrill said quietly , ‘ Luke is here , but he 's tired and he 's taking a bath .
26 ‘ You ca n't pretend he 's normal and it 's no secret that he did n't see eye to eye with Alain . ’
27 He 's upset because he 's seen people in the boathouse …
29 They tend to say , oh well , he 's black so it 's to be expected , they 're bound to do that , so when they give you that kind of attitude , you think oh well , blow them , if that 's what they think , why not act like that .
30 Maybe there 's a chance that he 's better than he 's pretending . ’
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