Example sentences of "he [be] [verb] in this [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If anyone shows deep concern that he is doubting in this way , it is a sure sign that he is not .
2 Jim Knox , an Oldham director , says that the club have fulfilled their financial obligations to Round and do not know why he is behaving in this way .
3 I would not venture to say which he is doing in this case . ’
4 As a god and therefore able to communicate with all other gods , the king was the high priest of every cult and every temple and the sole officiant in the ritual , and he is shown in this role presenting the offerings in temple reliefs .
5 By analysing the products he is selling in this way , a salesman will communicate in terms which are meaningful to buyers and therefore be more convincing .
6 He is continuing in this capacity for Kent during 1992 .
7 You may well be better off without him instead of living in limbo , not knowing what he 's thinking or why he 's acting in this way .
8 This is the moment when it comes into his mind to ask himself what he 's doing in this place ; to see the meaninglessness of his business there , and the hollowness of his enjoyments ; to lose sight suddenly of what it is in the texture of life that has ever occupied his attention and led him forward .
9 He was killed in this battle erm , is that of interest ?
10 He returned from a cold and rainy holiday in Switzerland to find himself faced with a mountain of correspondence and other business ( he was receiving in this period something like fifty letters a day , although most of them were handled by Valerie Fletcher ) .
11 Throughout August and early September he was engaged in this process , with drafts going between Hayward and himself , until on 19 September he sent Hayward the final version .
12 Here again I can quote Graham Greene , though he was writing in this instance about the thriller , which is outside the scope of this book .
13 He was aided in this manoeuvre by two factors .
14 in this country , he 's , he 's he 's not , he 's English , he was born in this country
15 He was supported in this view by Mountbatten , who , with his experience as Supreme Commander South-East Asia and Viceroy of India , believed that such a course was desirable for efficiency 's sake and was practicable .
16 He was replaced in this post on Oct. 10 by Jean Auroux , a former Minister and a supporter of the PS faction associated with former Prime Minister Laurent Fabius .
17 While he was fantasizing in this way the mare seemed to get used to his being there and when he next took notice of her she was quite close to him and looking at him curiously , head stretched out , upper lip quivering .
18 He was sitting in this row , a little further along .
19 He was interrupted in this task by the appearance in 1858 of a paper outlining a similar concept of selection developed independently by Alfred Russel Wallace ( 1823–1913 ) .
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