Example sentences of "he [verb] been [verb] on [art] " in BNC.

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1 The middle-aged married couple who had been caretakers before him had been dismissed on the spot for gross drunkenness .
2 He has been sitting on a nurse 's knee being fed from a small drinking cup . ’
3 Clint says he has been sitting on the story of Unforgiven for 15 years waiting to grow into the part but denies that this could be the last time he saddles up and rides off into the sunset .
4 He has been playing on the right side and doing very well , ’ said Bingham who has always been a Black admirer .
5 And he worked it out , he took about three or four weeks to work it out , and he 'd been overcharged on the interest like .
6 Now she realised he 'd been hovering on the verges of her thoughts , just waiting for an opportunity to pounce .
7 ‘ Well , he sounded surprised and a bit worried — as if he 'd been caught on the hop . ’
8 When this incident occurred he 'd been working on a project in Harlow in Essex setting up another system .
9 He 'd met Romano de Sciorto through researching the book he 'd been planning on the history of the islands .
10 The story was , that unused to concealing money about his person , he had been robbed on the train and had had to return home .
11 Mr Parry said that his client had been unemployed for 13 years , unbelievably he had been sent on a computer course to Wrexham , and he could not even switch the computer on .
12 Mr Parry said that his client had been unemployed for 13 years , unbelievably he had been sent on a computer course to Wrexham , and he could not even switch the computer on.A 17-year-old youth made a remark and the offence was committed .
13 He had been born on a Junker estate at Schönhausen in Brandenburg in 1815 , and his family had moved to Kniephof in Pomerania soon afterwards .
14 The first arrivals were coming out of Customs now : two middle-aged couples , a crowd of kids who looked like students , a family with four children and grandma , a man who looked as if he had been drinking on the plane , his collar undone and his tie hanging .
15 The university student had applied for help under the NHS Low Income Scheme , but said he had been assessed on a £300 loan he did not take out , which put him 39p in credit and not entitled for help .
16 For Mr Poher this long-drawn out struggle was something new — on the seven previous occasions he had been elected on the first ballot .
17 He had been named on the Munster Railway Cup panel for the semi-final meeting with Leinster .
18 Although he had been convicted on the king 's own record of his treason , a device used by Edward I against his Scottish enemies , many contemporaries thought that the judgement was of dubious legality .
19 On the second visit Mr. Burgess was given instructions different from those he had been given on the first visit .
20 Not only that : his was the round , jolly face he had seen in the window the day he had been hit on the head outside the room where he had been watching the Occultation of the Twenty-fourth Imam of the Wimbledon Dharjees .
21 He had been invited on the recommendation of Alan Mackenzie who was at that time Chaplain Secretary to the Salisbury Diocesan Association for the Deaf , of which Viscount Cranbourne was an active member .
22 When it broke daylight the next morning he found he had been fishing on a sandbar which shallowed up twenty yards out .
23 Rafiq , for example , who had not changed out of the grubby overalls that he had been wearing on the day of Robert 's interview , seemed to spend most of his time painting the walls of his classroom .
24 He was wearing the crumpled suit he had been wearing on the day Robert first saw him in the pub .
25 At the age of seven he had been put on a ship to Britain , kissed by his mother and sisters , shaken hands with by his Pop , and banished from their sight for the next eleven years , save two brief holidays .
26 He told how , after his condition deteriorated badly , his son had been taken into the intensive care unit where he had been put on a life support machine .
27 Saunders , whose penalty winner was his first league goal in almost two months , revealed he had been put on the spot by colleague Ray Houghton .
28 He had been sitting on the cart since early morning and all he had to show for scouring the streets was an old tin bath that he had found on some wasteground , a couple of sacks of rags and one or two pieces of old iron .
29 When one complainant alleged that he had been sitting in the Common Bench while the complainant had had his proper challenges to jurors refused , the auditors of complaints simply accepted his statement that he had been sitting on the bench not as a justice but as a well-wisher of the complainant 's opponent ( the prior of Sempringham ) .
30 He slowly straightened to his full height and she realised he had been sitting on the bed leaning over her .
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