Example sentences of "he [verb] on [art] [noun] and " in BNC.

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1 She watched him kneel on the floor and , taking a deep breath , she switched off all sensitivity to close her lips over his wrinkled anus .
2 You remember Peter when he was , er , totally different context , but the lesson is the same , when he was when Jesus called him to walk on the water and he starts walking , and then , he looks around and for what e , for whatever reason he starts sinking , the moment he calls out help Jesus reaches out and lifts him back him rescues him .
3 On the third evening of the first week he sent one of his assistants into the dining hall and told him to get on the mike and chat to the campers/diners .
4 She heard him turn on the tap and drink a glass of water noisily .
5 He plunged on the bomber and raked it from tail to nose ; then let his dive carry him under it and pulled up in time to plant a burst in its belly before climbing into a half-roll which brought the next plane almost within range .
6 He got on a bus and handed some money to the driver and said something I could n't hear , then disappeared upstairs .
7 And then he , he got on the road and he , we usually took , he had to run it er not more than twenty five miles and hour , and er you had to run it , we , we stopped at Preston if we could get there .
8 He stopped on the forecourt and jumped out .
9 He sucked on a cigarette and I saw that the fingers of his right hand were stained a deep yellow by the nicotine .
10 And and come in on the , he came on the Tuesday and he 's been three days a couple of weeks so
11 He banged on the power and felt it start to right itself .
12 He scored on a header and also had a great run chasing a pole from 10 meters behind and almost catched him over a 30 m run .
13 She was jerked forward as he slammed on the brakes and brought the car skidding to a halt on the gravel in front of the steps .
14 He turned on the shower and waited for the hot water to flow through so that he could adjust the temperature .
15 His face still creased in amusement , he turned on the engine and set the de-mister working .
16 Hurt was celebrating an award which had been won by his TV series The Storyteller and was staggering around in a drunken haze when he turned on the paparazzi and yelled , ‘ Those bastards have been winding me up all night .
17 He turned on the tap and washed them , then brought them back into the room and dried them with the tea-cloth .
18 He turned on the gas and put a match to the stove so that it could warm the office .
19 He turned on the taps and thrust my face and head into the water and completely soaked my shirt and jacket .
20 He turned on the torch and shone it round the shed .
21 At a certain point in his investigations , at the harbour in Trieste , the narrator imagines the pleasure felt by the midshipman who at that moment is explaining the lay-out and workings of his ship to two visitors , giving all the parts of the ship and all the instruments their proper names , which ‘ have no synonyms ’ ( Del Giudice 1983 : 44 ) ; and muses further on his own dreams of navigation , envying the midshipman ‘ the way in which he concentrates on the angle and the height , and his habit of considering himself in relation to something ’ , above all ‘ the exactitude of the chart ’ ( 45 ) .
22 He concentrates on the attitudes and personalities of the headteachers .
23 His back to us , he concentrates on the pictures and comes straight to the point .
24 Perhaps he thought of this too when he climbed on the chair and made a noose at the end of the rope , a very neat noose with the rope bound ten times round the loop in even rings .
25 He winced at the memory as he hammered on the steel and then looked through the spy port .
26 if it is considered that the information content is of paramount importance then it is valid to so construct a resource centre that every student may spend most of his time wired up to a dial-access system so that all he need do is dial a number , press a button and then sit passively absorbing what he sees on a screen and hears in his headphones …
27 He knocked on the door and begged for aid .
28 He knocked on the door and waited ten minutes ( as he always does ) .
29 He knocked on the door and it was thrown open by Bernard , oozing bonhomie from a silk dressing-gown .
30 He knocked on the door and got no reply .
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