Example sentences of "he [verb] as [pron] [vb past] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 She put out a hand and felt him wince as she found his injured eye .
2 ‘ Wumman , can ye no hold yerr head up ? ’ a tourist heard him shout as he pinned her cape , pricking her chin .
3 Shiona felt him sigh as he laid his hands on her shoulders .
4 She reached up , feeling him flinch as she ran her finger lightly over the chiselled perfection of his upper lip to wipe away an imaginary trace of lipstick .
5 ‘ Higher , ’ he grazed as he tore his mouth from hers .
6 ‘ Where did you learn anyway ? ’ he asked as they snapped their skis off and bumped the ice from them before going in .
7 ‘ Ye can see me now , more 's the pity , ’ he grumbled as he pushed his way to the back , treading on a few feet in the process .
8 He stopped as he heard her gasp , then went on steadily , ‘ But I have a question to which I 'd like to know the answer .
9 I keep remembering how it felt to hold you in my arms — like this , ’ he murmured as he slid his arms round her .
10 It ca n't have been anything I 've said , or can it ? ’ he added as she closed her eyes .
11 ‘ And do not deny anything , ’ he added as she opened her mouth to speak .
12 ‘ That foam rubber 's lethal , ’ he remarked as he washed his hands , ‘ it will smoulder all night . ’
13 ‘ I do n't seem to remember that the name you once gave me was ‘ Theodosia ’ , ’ he remarked as she dried her eyes .
14 He grinned as he tucked her hand under his arm .
15 He grinned as he tossed his jacket on to a chair .
16 ‘ Fabia ! ’ he breathed as she leaned her thin-cotton-clad body against him .
17 He smiled as he lay his head in her lap .
18 He wept as he released his son , and choked , then rubbed snow on to his face and in his beard .
19 ‘ Oh , I can , ’ he said as I finished my meal and leaned back , wiping my mouth on the back of my hand , more to annoy him that anything else .
20 ‘ There are two angles which you might look at , young Chris , ’ he said as I refilled his glass .
21 We 'll be back before night anyhow , ’ he said as he tucked his shirt into his trousers , hoisting them round his hips .
22 ‘ It was a lovely meal , ’ he said as he lifted his hand in farewell , ‘ and I do n't have to tell you — nobody in the world can make a pork pie like yours ! ’
23 ‘ Let them start to understand , ’ he said as he took her hand in a playful threat .
24 ‘ Hello , seen you before have n't I ? ’ he said as he handed his coat to McGee .
25 ‘ The ole cow saw me clump 'im frew the office winder an' she phoned fer the police , ’ he said as he put his mug down on the wooden table .
26 He froze as they dropped their sticks and ran back .
27 As a seduction suite it had its shortcomings , he reflected as he unzipped his jeans , stepped out of them , and slung them onto the sofa with the rest of the day 's rubbish .
28 ‘ A plant needs air , sunshine , moisture , and certain chemicals — given these it does its own growing ’ , he explained as he amplified his educational stance .
29 ‘ We put patriotism and self-sacrifice into them , and there is no doubt that after they have learnt a certain amount of that , ’ he explained as he outlined his strategy to the National Defence Association , ‘ they will feel bound to take up the defence in one form or another , should it be necessary , when the time comes . ’
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