Example sentences of "he [verb] [that] [pron] [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 A few successful trips to restaurants will not only be enjoyable for the patient , but they will boost his confidence and help him to realize that he can take part in normal social life .
2 Nenna thought : I 'm pleased for him to see that I can make a proper job of something .
3 Axelrod had already begun to think in ESS terms , but I felt that this tendency was so important that I wrote to him suggesting that he should get in touch with W. D. Hamilton , who was then , though Axelrod did n't know it , in a different department of the same university , the University of Michigan .
4 She thought it unlikely that this was due to concern for her feelings — it would be a new departure for him to accept that she might have any , apart from avarice .
5 He patted the cushions beside him to indicate that we should join him .
6 Wilder will be the first black governor in American history and the union endorsed him believing that he will ensure fairer treatment at the hands of state officials .
7 Doetsch found that his synthetic analogue prevented the normal development of the viral infection within the cells , prompting him to suggest that it might have therapeutic potential ( Proceedings of the US National Academy of Sciences , 1981 , vol 78 , p 6699 ) .
8 As I hinted parenthetically following the quotation from Clark , it seems perverse for him to insist that we must choose one at the expense of the other .
9 The sharing of the collector 's salary was really what appears to have been in the thoughts of Craigbarnet and his friends , for Dougalston too returned to this point in his letter to Montrose 's commissioner , telling him that Craigbarnet 's friends had given him to understand that they would support Kirkton 's re-election , ‘ with the same sellary that he now has if he would give Craigbarnett fifteen or twentie pound sterling yearly out of it ’ .
10 ‘ I only painted what I saw , ’ he answered and she had again that sudden , stupid stab of fear and pushed his handkerchief at him saying that she must go , she was late .
11 She pairs with him assuming that he will help her rear the young .
12 I sensed him thinking that we should have had half a dozen in the boat by now .
13 ‘ Jack told me so many things but what I remember most was him stressing that I should keep my energy and emotional levels the same throughout a round of golf .
14 Like Richard said if we get him to say that he 'd like to do Shakespeare , he 's sick of plon plonker good story .
15 ’ Would you leave a message with him to say that I 'd like to speak to him rather urgently , please . ’
16 I thought about it for a while and then telephoned him to say that I could suggest a pretty easy solution , and indicated to him what it was .
17 Travelling at a speed of a hundred miles an hour made him worry that he would leave the safety of God 's Earth .
18 She was n't going to let him see that she would jump at it , although not for the reasons he might suppose .
19 The hon. Member for Stirling ( Mr. Forsyth ) — I am not complaining about him , so I do not apologise for not having given him notice that I should raise the point — uses the crest of the House of Commons on his parliamentary report .
20 We had indicated when we asked him to quote that we would want one sheet like that to represent what each office was able to produce .
21 and we 've , we 've alleged in the pleading that he made that he would have suffered erm either all or some part of loses would of been avoided , but that depends upon the facts and we 're
22 Maxim felt a moment of total disorientation before he realised that something must have gone badly wrong , that because she had not greeted him he must stay being Winterbotham , that because they were strangers he must make the first move .
23 He realised that we can see more than half way round a small cylinder and that three views are available : that of the right eye , that of the left eye , and the total sensation , giving three outlines .
24 Broomhead had at first considered giving the woman a salutation from his vast treasury of filthy language when she approached him , but he realised that it might damage his rather good reputation .
25 He was glad , for he realised that he would need her to direct him now .
26 He realised that he would need some more writing paper , as well as something to eat .
27 George 's wits began to return and he realised that he would have soon passed from sleep to death , if Elizabeth had not found him .
28 Clearly , he realised that he must uphold the papacy even in the light of Hadrian 's opposition to imperial equality .
29 The work redoubled in intensity after the later 1960s , when he realised that he could afford to go part-time as an architectural assistant and create more time for the research .
30 Does he think that we should employ 5,000 HMIs to carry out inspections , or does he prefer the Labour party 's solution — that only local councils should be allowed to inspect schools ?
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