Example sentences of "he [verb] [coord] [pers pn] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And he goes and he goes to his brother what 's the , what 's the third letter of the alphabet ?
2 and er , it was gone eleven I would of thought , anyway he stopped and I slept like a log , got up at twenty past six , but erm , it 's a strange thing because one of those came last evening and it parked outside George 's , now I said yesterday , when Alan goes to work , it 's not long after six normally to go up to London and that
3 So he stopped and he listened to this and went to have a look , see what was going on .
4 ‘ Call me if he wakes or he asks for me . ’
5 One of the accusations used and levelled against er against Christianity against the , the evangelical message , against things like the , the mission of Graham and , and others is that it , it does n't meet the needs the , the material needs of people but if you deal with the persons spiritual needs , if their sins are forgiven , those problems that are causing the material problem , it 's amazing how there are dealt with as well , the best way to sober up a person , the best way to deal with a person who 's an alcoholic , the best way to deal with a person who is a drug addict , the best way to deal with a person who , who commits adultery is not by telling them the wrongs of those things , it 's not by trying to , to , to do , to , to , you know , to , to counsel them it 's presenting the gospel allowing Jesus Christ to come into their lives and to forgive them , that will make the person sober quicker than all the counselling in the world and Paul says I brought you the most important the fundamental thing , that Christ died for our sins Paul again when he 's writing to the Romans in chapter five and verse eight he says but God demonstrates his own love towards us , in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us so God did in Jesus Christ what we could n't do for ourselves , so all of you have sin , so all of my sin , and he came and he died on the cross and as he was dying there was that transmit there , for he was n't dying for his own sin buy he was dying for your sin and for mine , it was all piled on him and so when we except what Christ has done , when we come to that place and yes I believe that you died for me ,
6 If you removed all the he saids and she saids from the writing above you would still know who was saying what because Nicolas and Bridget are doing different things .
7 He snores and she complains about the lack of a good cup of tea .
8 He nodded and he looked at me for the first time .
9 he grinned and he looked at me and said
10 Mind you the title was a bit funny because it did n't Almost an Angel but if he died and he went to heaven , then he must have been an angel but came back down , he 's still an angel .
11 Well , it came on erm it was coming on while er , you know the da , the day he died and I went into work ?
12 Yeah he did and I thought to myself oh well you 're , you 're growing up Ricky , I thought to myself .
13 ‘ The whole time since I heard that Walter would be released unconditionally I have been wondering how things will work with him being allowed out at night and to talk to whoever he wishes and me sitting at home in the evenings , gagged . ’
14 Outside the family , being Welsh was the greatest blessing he had and he held to it .
15 He said but I sit at night he said when she 's gone to work and he said and help them with their drawings and things they 're doing .
16 and the whole band saw got ta to be resharpened he said and they go to a place in
17 ‘ Then what 's wrong ? ’ he said and she looked at him in surprise .
18 cos I said to him can you , can you cut me small ones he said well they 're from the rib of the beef he said and it depends on the size of the beef what size your
19 cos he did n't know but you did he said and you have to ge , when yo can you come round is tha
20 Anyway our Darren came in , and I 'm gon na forget Darren came to the caravan and I was telling him about these wet sheets and beds and the mirrors done and what I was doing there and Oh he said and about the mattress he said and I said to him mattress , it 's still the same mattress .
21 His deafness debarred him from lectures , and he was unable to avail himself of the help of tutors , but he persevered and he graduated in 1911 , overnight becoming front-page news as the only deaf man ( then ) to achieve the academic distinction of Master of Arts of Cambridge University .
22 ‘ Hope he 's had the sense to go inside , ’ he mumbled and he headed in the direction of home .
23 He watches and he likes to be watched .
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