Example sentences of "he [verb] [adv] at [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Sophie saw him look anxiously at an upper window as he acknowledged the introduction , then he said ‘ We have to speak very quietly as our little girl is asleep and she does n't know that Sandy is ill . ’
2 Of course I asked him to look carefully at the locked room , but we did n't find anything important . ’
3 Mr Trippier , who was said to be expressing the views of his constituents , wrote to Mr Kenneth Clarke on November 24 asking him to look again at the original 6.5 per cent pay offer , saying it was not fair .
4 Where the dealer acted as counterparty to the contract he may be willing to unwind the contract with a customer but there is no incentive for him to do so at a competitive price .
5 She wanted him to stop yet at the same time wanted him to go on in the hope that the lovely sensations would begin again .
6 Angel 's fingers drummed angrily on the steering wheel as he gazed moodily at the long , straight road ahead of them .
7 He peered carefully at the slim frail woman who stood so resolutely out on the porch .
8 Here she found Mrs Geary , kindly smoothing Twomey 's hair with her hand , while he boned away at an elegant shoe .
9 He poked warily at the dark mound .
10 Sometimes you make a mistake , and you are not a Bisu at all , but simply what they " — he gestured resignedly at the howling spectators — " call us all anyway , just " lady boys " ! "
11 He gestured vaguely at the upper reaches of seats .
12 He nodded politely at the astonished face that Glyn turned on him and moved to the door .
13 He frowned angrily at the old gentleman , and asked sharply ,
14 He smiles slightly at the vague feeling of hope he now feels .
15 He grinned fondly at the younger man .
16 Rostov reached for the flat permahide envelope which contained his orders and for a moment he brushed absently at the crisp new admiral 's stripe on his sleeve .
17 He knocked softly at the front door .
18 Faldo still enjoyed a three-stroke cushion , but the pumped-up Australian resembled an executioner as he hacked away at the Open champion 's lead .
19 He taught initially at a junior school in Berkshire , then at a grammar school , and later at Downe House , where he became well known on the art-teaching circuit when his pupils won ( for two consecutive years ) a national art competition and their work toured internationally .
20 He glanced briefly at the written note , put it aside and went on with the meeting .
21 He glanced aside at the ginger-haired twins .
22 The casual offensiveness of the governor 's remarks was evident to the senator even before his aide finished his translation ; he glanced sharply at the Annamese , but it was impossible to gauge their reactions from their impassive faces .
23 He glanced severely at the two girls .
24 He glanced across at the strange boy again .
25 His weariness rebelled against the prospect and he glanced across at the opposite window in search of some clue as to his whereabouts .
26 He glanced across at the waiting technicians and dismissed them with a gesture .
27 He glanced contemptuously at the unconscious man .
28 Meanwhile he blazed away at the tumbling dots of metal with a grim obsession .
29 He exhibited regularly at the Royal Academy between 1837 and 1884 , showing a total of thirty-six pictures .
30 He exhibited occasionally at the Royal Academy and became a fellow of the Royal Institute of British Architects ‘ at a very early period of [ the ] Institution ’ .
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