Example sentences of "he [verb] [verb] in that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Gonzalez-Palacios has totally transformed furniture studies in Italy since he came to live in that country .
2 After he leave school he had set up some sort of agricultural commune thing , he was always a man like that , saying we were people must make the most of we community skills and thing , but he get squeeze in that farming business and last I hear of him he had gone in the hills and become a guerrilla .
3 He thinks he 's found a friend , in the score box , he keeps waving in that direction .
4 Reflecting in her vague kindly way that it was very nice for Jasper to have friends of his own age to play with in the holidays , a lot better than in the days when he had lived in that tower block in Walworth , she was still thinking along these lines as she entered the gateless gateway and found her eyes irresistibly turning upwards to the bell .
5 Suspicion of the king lingered on after the conclusion of the parliament of 1341 , and was probably intensified by his solemn revocation of the concessions he had made in that parliament at a council attended by all the magnates in early October 1341 .
6 Nor could he even remember now what he had said in that burst of spleen .
7 He had twisted in that grip , tried to bring the gun round to bear on that monstrous maw .
8 ‘ If he had participated in that debate and gone through the moral and ethical gymnastics we were going through , I think things would have turned out very differently . ’
9 Corbett , remembering all he had seen the previous night , was more wary of Thomas : the evil he had experienced in that hut was nothing to take lightly .
10 The bar had an entrance from another street and he had come in that way , threading between the tables , offering his goods , but with most of his attention on her .
11 St Antonino of Florence felt that the professional soldier could not fight in a war the justice of which was not above doubt , nor could he be given absolution as long as he continued to fight in that cause .
12 He remained poised in that position as he jerked up his head .
13 I think whilst the Secretary of State has clearly said what he 's said in that decision letter .
14 He knows the authority that he 's had in that community , he has seen supernatural things happening in his life and through him , albeit , they were not of God , but has been involved in supernatural things .
15 Although he 's got a good job so Pam said I do n't know why he 's got in that problem .
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