Example sentences of "he [verb] [verb] [pron] [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But he hates to think what would have happened if Joyce had n't been there .
2 Instead he tried to guess what might have been said .
3 From what he let drop I 'd say she was on at him morning , noon and night .
4 If the guardian believes that it would assist the court to see all or any of the records or documents he has inspected he must notify the court ( FPCR , r11(9) ( b ) ; FPR , r4.11(9) ( b ) ) .
5 He has said he will change the face of the BBC when he is in charge .
6 Dom João will be here in his own good time : he has said he will come to Ireland , and come he surely will . "
7 He has said he can recognize the man , and is coming here tonight to make the assay .
8 He is so frustrated by the dearth of buyers for his pub , which is partly sixteenth-century with a 26-seat restaurant , that he has declared he will take a buyer 's property in part-exchange and then rent it out until the market improves .
9 Now he has proved he will say anything to win . ’
10 Eurotunnel co-chairman Alastair Morton has a difficult job on his hands but he has shown he can handle it .
11 ‘ The person in question has proved his powers of leadership , he is a firm favourite with the supporters , and he has shown he can handle the media .
12 She hoped that when he stopped smoking he would fill out a little and his knees would be less likely to bruise hers in bed , but no .
13 out of the balcony and he starts singing I can see Keilly
14 He writes because ‘ if I do n't write , I suffer ’ ; he writes because he wants to know what will happen in his book ; he is , he says , his ‘ own reader ’ , prey to a phenomenon : automatic writing .
15 Leonora dreamed of the fierce rapture they 'd shared on the island and began to long for Penry to want her violently , to stop treating her like a younger sister , and sometimes after he 'd gone she 'd stare in the mirror in discontent , wishing she were tall , or voluptuous , or blonde .
16 It was only hours since he 'd said she could stay .
17 He 'd said he would hurt her …
18 Just because he 'd said he would like to see her in red .
19 She had told Dr. Saxby , and he 'd said he 'd mention it to Dr. Briant ; it could be she was having a bit too high a dose of the red capsules .
20 He also remembered that he 'd said he 'd ring Frances about the possibility of going down to Miles and Juliet 's on the Sunday , but decided to do that the next morning .
21 He 'd thought he 'd die himself , he said when they came to the white iron gate , he 'd thought he 'd die when he 'd heard the woman 's scream , sharp as a blade above the whine of the wind and the rain .
22 He 'd thought he 'd die himself , he said when they came to the white iron gate , he 'd thought he 'd die when he 'd heard the woman 's scream , sharp as a blade above the whine of the wind and the rain .
23 Afterwards he 'd sworn he would prefer to see any child of his six foot under rather than taken for a nun .
24 He d have these two hideous , fat , white women up there and when he 'd finished he 'd come down to play football in the street .
25 It was as though he 'd known she 'd appear at precisely that moment with precisely that eager expression on her face .
26 When his father had died twelve months ago and his grandmother had made it clear she was n't going to give him a home , he 'd wondered what would happen to him .
27 He varied his dancing routine with occasional headlong gallops round the lawn and it was after he had done about ten successive laps that he seemed to decide he ought to do something about the bitch .
28 He seemed to think he might feature in some pictures with a blonde girl .
29 He seemed to think he could carry her off like this , and get away with it .
30 He seemed to think he could walk in and out of her life at will , just as it suited him .
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