Example sentences of "he [verb] [verb] [adv] over the " in BNC.

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1 On this day he was gliding home to our airfield and only just made it back with less than a hundred feet as he arrived flying downwind over the boundary .
2 Born in 1900 , the same year as the Queen Mother , he had spent twenty-three years at the top , he had travelled all over the world , he had stories and memories of escapades and people and was a colourful raconteur .
3 This illness , a recurrence of the same symptoms ( violent colic , with spells of vomiting and attacks of fever ) that he had suffered intermittently over the past few years , was a sombre presage of his final illness , now only two years away .
4 He could offer no reason as to why he had stepped deliberately over the low wooden fence and onto the clean snow beside this one man 's spaced footsteps .
5 He had fought hard over the year of her suspension to have her case dealt with speedily , and to get at the truth behind the allegations .
6 He had aged considerably over the last few months , and though he protested he was fit , healthy and perfectly capable of taking care of the kids while I got a job , I had my doubts .
7 What absolute rubbish — he 's gone right over the top with a load of old cobblers there and I do n't know why .
8 He 's gone all over the eastern Mediterranean , and now has plans to go to the western end , to Spain , which was a thriving colony of the Roman empire with a lively intellectual life which had n't been touched by the Christian faith .
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