Example sentences of "for [art] [noun] [conj] has [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The Neighbourhood Watch Committee provides a regular newsletter for the village and has taken over the distribution of Christmas parcels to the pensioners .
2 These races , to be contested on a rich mixture of natural and manufactured snow , offer a showcase for the versatility that has served Kronberger so well .
3 Operations geophysicist Erik Havarstein has been responsible for mobilising the seismic vessel for the survey and has spent time in Lagos ensuring the technical specification and safety standards are in place for the survey .
4 She needs to find someone or something to blame for the catastrophe that has overtaken her , so she looks for reasons , because she may not yet be ready to face up to the extremely anxiety-provoking fact that life itself is unpredictable and the world is an insecure place .
5 DAVID HIRST last night cleared Arsenal 's Steve Bould of blame for the challenge that has destroyed his England recall hopes .
6 When you consider the relentless quest for the luxury that has gone into each and every one , the cost of purchasing such a lodge does not seem excessive .
7 The drivers , now cut up and veering to the Left , find voting for the party that has championed the self-employed harder to do .
8 The injustice to the home-owner is sometimes made worse by the fact that very often he has n't the money to pay for the repairs and has to borrow from the bank in order to pay the bill .
9 But the cost of his doing so has been revealed in all its starkness in the unseemly scramble for the succession that has followed his departure .
10 Andrew 's father , David played lock for the club and has had two two-year spells as the club president , while his mother , Kathleen , a physiotherapist at Kings Hospital , Dundee , has had a big influence , not least in ensuring speedy recovery from injury , notably from the sprung collarbone sustained in the ‘ B ’ international against Ireland on December 28 .
11 I can not say thank you enough for the effort that has gone on . ’
12 ‘ It 's time for the mediocrity that has governed and dominated Nineties pop music to give way to a band that can deliver what it promises , ’ declares Damien , the gold lamé-shirted singer and lead guitarist .
13 FOR a film that has stood the test of time , catch Luis Bunuel 's Oscar-winning DISCREET CHARM OF THE BOURGEOISIE ( Cert 15 ; Selected ) .
14 It could never have been designed but for a revolution that has shaken up one of the world 's oldest industries
15 The present Portuguese Presidency is however pushing for a decision and has put forward a compromise solution .
16 At the left the movements of a ground-feeding bird , such as a song thrush Turdus philomelos , are shown for a bird that has learned that its food is clumped .
17 That is yet more Tory doublespeak for a decade that has seen the Government inspire a decline in coal production from 120 million tonnes per annum to 91 million tonnes ; for a decline in employment from 223,000 jobs to 74,000 jobs and for the closure of more than two thirds of our collieries .
18 Clearly the most drastic punishment for a firm that has reneged on the collusive agreement would be for the other firms to force it to its security level , either forever or for some specified number of time periods .
19 Two US scientists have been awarded the chemistry prize for a discovery that has changed scientists ’ views about the origin of life .
20 Something vulnerable in her manner brings out an element of sadism in the way the long final act teases her endurance ; but it also makes the denouement extremely touching , and the part lies well for a voice that has managed Janacek 's Capture as well as Verdi 's Violetta .
21 This work will not be done in a vacuum , but for a problem that has existed for at least a lifetime a few more months of thought might lead to better outcomes , and ones that will be more readily accepted .
22 For a country that has grown rich doing business , service in restaurants and cafes can be astonishingly slow , and catching the waiter 's eye is about as easy as catching sunstroke on a North Sea beach .
23 For a city that has seen plenty of violence , Colombo was curiously calm after Mr Premadasa 's death .
24 Upwards on 20,000 supporters are expected to flock to Limerick for a match that has evoked country-wide interest .
25 Liverpool , who hold a 6-1 lead from the first leg , expect the support of around 4,500 fans for a match that has put the Cypriot police on alert because Juventus , the other Heysel disaster club , are also in action on the island .
26 He is named in a party of 15 and his knack of scoring vital goals could prove a bonus for a side that has failed to find the net in seven of their last nine games .
27 He acknowledges that ‘ the end of history will be a sad time ’ , he admits the ‘ spiritual vacuity of liberal consumerist societies ’ , but , in the face of their inevitable triumph , feels , and notices in his friends , only ‘ ambivalence ( and ) a powerful nostalgia ’ for a world that has passed away .
28 One of the first things you 'll realise is that you work for an organisation that has to react and respond rapidly to changing circumstances .
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