Example sentences of "for [adj] who have [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Although selective assessments may have been endured , practitioners today should anticipate that they will restimulate deep feelings for many who have perceived past treatments as inadequate or unjust .
2 Separate figures must be available for information not only for those selling and serving , but also for those who have prepared for ages beforehand in greenhouse and kitchen , in Davidson Room and Undercroft cupboard , and out at Currie where philately rules for a considerable time .
3 I do enjoy listening to guest speakers and maybe special ‘ thank you ’ prizes for those who have contributed to the University in special ways would be an idea , but keep the degrees for the deserved students please ? ? ? ?
4 Will there be protection for those who have served in the Territorial Army for some 10 years , so that they may be allowed to complete their service and receive their TA decorations ?
5 Yet for those who have cared for mentally handicapped children and seen them develop , must come doubts as to whether Peter Nichols , or Paula Milne , ever really gave their children a chance .
6 For example , questions of relevance only to married women can be prefaced by a general question about marital status followed by an instruction for those who have answered in a particular way to move to the relevant subset .
7 So we pray for those we know in the church or parish who mourn the death of a loved one ; for those who are ill , or are convalescing after sickness or an operation ; for those who have to live with constant weakness or pain ; for those who are anxious about the health of a loved one , particularly mothers anxious about children .
8 A source already mentioned provides this summary for those who have to deal with the immediate problems ( Elliott , 1982 , p.10 ) :
9 In their first appearance together since Wednesday 's announcement Charles and Diana were last night hosting Christmas drinks for those who have helped with their work this year .
10 The forerunner of the ‘ mile-high club ‘ , for those who have coupled in an aircraft in flight , was the nineteenth-century fraternity who made it in a railway carriage .
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