Example sentences of "for [noun] [to-vb] [noun] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The importance of looking for reasons to explain aggression or demanding behaviour is well illustrated in this case .
2 But it would be only for a time and she had been thinking of asking the queen-dowager for permission to leave sanctuary and visit her mother .
3 Philip Count of Valois , however , was the nearest male heir to the last Capetian , and it was very much in his interests for Isabella to leave France and become involved in an English political upheaval .
4 I wholly support the concept of a ‘ going rate ’ for experts to avoid misunderstandings and to promote financial planning .
5 But his mind was quick , and his memories were all intact ; and the longing never really went away , that awful persistent longing that could find outlet only in frustration and anger , and a wish to do bad things ; to hurt and to insult like he did now while he waited for David to concede defeat and agree to take him to the auction after all .
6 It might also be true that an arrangement in which supplementary grants were made in the light of positive evaluation would be an effective incentive for schools to maintain momentum and involve themselves fully in inservice activities .
7 The opposition had imposed a deadline of Aug. 31 for Nabiyev to restore stability or resign .
8 The Council sees a growing reluctance for non-smokers to tolerate smokers and has come to recognise that there are practical problems in the way of a compromise approach .
9 Furthermore , it is more advantageous for management to subscribe shares than to acquire them by transfer , because they may then be entitled to income tax relief pursuant to s574 Taxes Act 1988 if the venture fails .
10 Leaving aside our personal addiction , we have acknowledged ( as parents ) the convenience it represents as an electronic nanny ; also the entertainment it provides ( leaving precious time for parents to do chores and entertain themselves ) .
11 He approached Duncan Anderson , then Headmaster of the Glasgow Institution , for assistance to procure premises and to place the Society on a firmer basis .
12 But whether that amounts to a positive incentive for companies to boost production and revive investment plans is open to doubt .
13 Two days later we were at Wrexham Hospital — not for Nigel to undergo traction as anticipated but to see the chest specialist and to be told that he had a fatal disease .
14 Leave to mature and ripen on the plant for fruits to change colour as required .
15 There is no doubt that it is easy for Monie to win friends and make people care about her .
16 The army sealed the border with Pakistan , making it harder for terrorists to buy weapons and seek sanctuary .
17 Retailers are always on the look out for ideas to attract customers and encourage them to buy more .
18 Application for revocation of an order for committal of the debtor under s 23(7) of the Attachment of Earnings Act 1971 must be made to the judge ex parte in writing explaining the reason for failure to attend court or refusing to be sworn or to give evidence , and undertaking to comply in future ( Ord 27 , r 8(2) ) .
19 It is not unusual for publicity to generate interest and encourage witnesses and , indeed , other survivors of sexual attacks to come forward .
20 I 'm thinking of looking for suggestions to improve practice and set standards in areas like communication , delegation , supervision , team-building , time management , financial planning , project management and so on .
21 Group treatment can also provide an opportunity for patients to share experiences and learn from each other .
22 For that reason , the Russians will need to have a community in which there is private property , freedom from regulation and low taxation , with the opportunity for people to accumulate wealth and invest it .
23 When the sample is completely molten the dilatometer is transferred to a second thermostat set at the temperature selected for crystallization to take place and allowed to equilibrate .
24 A less common pattern is for teachers to combine classes and teach together ( ‘ team teaching ’ ) , usually for particular subjects or in open-plan primary schools .
25 I should be very reluctant to go back to anything like the old system , which gave a perverse incentive for landlords to provide board and lodging rather than other accommodation .
26 The meeting of the European Movement unanimously underlined its strong support for Britain to adopt PR and fall into line with the other EC members which operate some proportional system for the European elections .
27 Already an established provider of training to school leavers and adults , mainly through the Training and Enterprise Councils ( TECs ) , the focus at Enterprise Training centres is increasingly for trainees to take NVQs or join courses which help them back to work .
28 Depending on the length of the course , colleges will concentrate on providing training and tuition for trainees to gain hotel and catering NVQs , but other , broader , subjects may be introduced at the discretion of the college .
29 It takes ten years for eels to reach maturity and return to their spawning grounds .
30 It makes it harder for debtors to make offers and to delay proceedings .
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