Example sentences of "i was [adv] [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 On one occasion I was round at a neighbour 's house and despite my warnings that it could get rather messy , they insisted that I show them how Dawn fed .
2 The first the first half a year that I was Holland I I do n't think I was away for a holiday , but then the the next Summer then I was away .
3 But er I was away for a week there , I only came back on Saturday .
4 ‘ And then — I was rather at a loss , I suppose .
5 She said , ‘ I was indoors for a bit .
6 At last I was up on a level with him .
7 Then I was up for a second — and the next wave hit me . ’
8 Of course I was not in a position to contradict her . ’
9 He screamed some incoherent threat , and I honestly looked round to check that I was n't on a film set .
10 ‘ I told you , I was n't at a party .
11 It was terrible , I 'd always been independent , or when I was n't for a while I got my own social security money .
12 Before then , yes , we must of bought it when we moved in cos I , I mean I was n't without a bed
13 I knew what I was doing ; I was thoroughly prepared ; but that did n't mean that when the day came I was n't in a state of nervous collapse .
14 Since I was n't in a position to return the Parsons ' hospitality , I felt an obligation to provide conversational value for money , so I embarked on a series of anecdotes about my time abroad , some true , all exaggerated , a few plain invention .
15 I found myself in the ludicrous position of having to judge music I was n't in a position to judge .
16 I found myself in the ludicrous position of having to judge music I was n't in a position to judge
17 I was n't in a temper , I just pretended .
18 Then I was n't in a theatre any more , I was …
19 I 've had a couple of nice chats with the people at GMTV , but I told them I was n't in a hurry to decide what I would do next and frankly I do n't envy the people who are going straight on to another show . ’
20 I 'm sure I was here at a party once and in fact I can show you the spot on the rug where I … ’
21 I was here as a 10-year-old when we had a record crowd of 75,000 for the Cup tie against Aston Villa in 1938 , ’ he said .
22 Mrs Williams was at the time the most popular women in the world , after Mother Teresa , and it occurred to me , rather too late , that I was on to a loser here .
23 I was on two bags a day when I went to see me GP and I was on between a quarter and half a gram when I got to the hospital .
24 The question of er P P G thirteen and transportation I think is vitally important , York will come into the position that Chester er where I was just at a transportation enquiry recently , it 's a very similar sort of city , it 's not quite the same as Cambridge , where Cambridge is leaping ahead on quite , some would say draconian transportation measures , York in the forceable future will have to look at specialist transportation measures , that 's important in terms of the planning policy guidance that is out , it 's also in the white paper , it may be in draft P P G thirteen , it 's also in I think it 's P P G twenty two , renewable energy , that we should now be looking at developments which is closer to work , that links then to the question of sustainability and viability of a new settlement , I am not aware , and and I put it guardedly in those terms , of any significant employment existing or proposed in any of the new settlement proposals .
25 I was recently at a film festival and you should have seen the heterosexuals flaunting themselves . ’
26 Q I was recently at a fish shop , looking at the stock , when I witnessed the purchase of an anemone .
27 I was recently in a Mercedes minicab driven by a 97-year-old retired gangster called Scarred Harry .
28 I felt that my running was improving as the season progressed and that I was in with a chance .
29 As it turned out , Donovan Reid won and I came second , missing the third individual place but feeling that I was in with a chance of making the relay team .
30 He told me that if I kept running well , I was in with a chance .
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