Example sentences of "i could n't even [vb infin] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 The pannier bags normally stay on , but this climb came only one day into the trip and with a fortnight 's food on board I could n't even lift my bike .
2 " When I holed the putt to win , I could n't even feel my hands .
3 I was partnering Sandy Lyle against Lee Trevino and Sean Connery and I was shaking so much with nerves , I could n't even balance my ball on a little wooden tee at the first .
4 I could n't even raise my leg behind me and I thought it was a sign to give up .
5 As for point ( b ) , I could n't even get my brain cells around the questions never mind the answers .
6 There were twenty five thousand , I , I would n't like to see twenty five thousand on that ground again , because I , I used to smoke at the time and we were packed that tight in the ground I could n't even get my hands down to my pockets to get a cigarette out , so the erm after the first few games they started to draw at home and then they seemed to lose the impetus and that they still held a good position in the league , but the following season Liverpool were in the second division at the time , and I , I went to that match and Walsall scored first through Colin and er , they went on to beat us six-one in the end .
7 After she left I could n't even hear her name mentioned without breaking out into a cold sweat . ’
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