Example sentences of "i could [adv] [vb infin] [Wh adv] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I could n't stay where I was , it 's one of the rules .
2 ‘ No it 's not , ’ I said feebly , although I could n't think why it was n't .
3 Driving home , though , I could n't think why it was n't worse .
4 His look made me feel guilty , though I could n't think why it should .
5 He often teased his mother and I could n't think why he bothered , for she seldom responded .
6 I could n't think where you 'd been to .
7 I was just as mystified , but then , I could n't explain how I 'd been aware of her presence on our previous visit .
8 Because I could n't countenance how you could stay under water without being asphyxiated , and yet at the same time I was incapable of comprehending the trick .
9 I could n't remember why we had decided not to go there .
10 I could n't remember how we had got into this conversation .
11 It was so obvious I could n't imagine why I had n't seen it before .
12 This seemed to me so true that I could n't imagine why it was not universally acknowledged .
13 But a long time ago I was writing a television play about Irish men coming over to England to collect their brother 's body , and I could n't imagine how they 'd talk .
14 blah , blah , blah , recommended that interview have been in both directions despite in this difficult across , and I could n't say when you could do that at midday , but the implication is you have to do it when you
15 I could n't say where he spent that evening , not for certain .
16 Well I 'm not researcher I could n't say how they do it but it 's done it was done from their recruitment and marketing sales .
17 apartments and I could n't believe how they they there there could work up such a system and I 'm serious , I I really mean this Mr Chairman , it is serious .
18 ‘ When I was allowed to go West again after 20 years , two years ago , I could n't believe how it had been transformed .
19 I could n't understand why they bothered to take him on , because he had n't won anything for years .
20 I could n't understand why I 'd not been killed when there were so many others who …
21 I could n't understand why I should want to leave the relative safety of the house in Fulham to walk into a hornets ' nest of horrified disapproval and rejection .
22 I could n't understand why he did this because his rebellious hair always sprang up like bristles on a brush and never stayed flat like Dad 's .
23 I could n't understand why he 'd given up a job he clearly loved to come back here . ’
24 I could n't understand why she could n't share her diary .
25 I could n't understand why you never showed yourself when you were interrogating me .
26 You were so stubborn about it , you just kept saying everything was all right , and it was n't , it was getting worse all the time , and I could n't understand why you could n't see it .
27 I could n't understand why you did n't do that in the first place .
28 I could n't understand how I could possibly make the individual pine-needles knit ; it was like trying to carry grain in a net , or water in a cloth .
29 I could n't understand how she could give you up , do n't you see ?
30 Well I could n't see why he could n't !
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