Example sentences of "i had a [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I had a clerk in St Paul 's write it out , then stood by Aldgate and bribed a royal messenger , carrying the white wand and wearing the royal gold-and-blue surcoat , who was travelling to King 's Lynn , to leave the message with Master Daunbey .
2 Somewhere there , but off the would n't it be but erm it was an event erm when I had a rise in wages my mother being a dressmaker she used to have a machine under the little front window and when I got a , I had a , they 'd put my wages up to ten shillings , and when I got in mum came over and said what 's the matter with you she said you seem as if you 're walking on air I said I 'd had a rise in wages and it was up from eight and four pence up to ten shillings I do n't know what that seems but still .
3 no I had a drink of juice
4 I had a drink of water as my throat was hurting , picked up Dorothy Wordsworth 's Journals and sat down thankfully in an easy chair .
5 I had a pair of ruby earrings which I was wearing when Bill died .
6 Oh I had a pair of aces !
7 Why did you know I had a pair of aces ?
8 I had a pair of tennis shoes , but Callahan vetoed these along with my ‘ suit ’ .
9 I had a pair of slacks on , tied round the waist with a necktie ( I always do this ) .
10 You did n't have to have the soul of a poet to conjure up what could have been ; in my mind 's eye I had a vision of Templars in their faceless conical helmets , red and white crosses on their black cloaks , moving across the island at the dead of night , the barges being soundlessly poled whilst , at prow and stern , huge cresset torches spluttered and flared in the darkness .
11 Whenever I had a sheet of paper in front of me and a paintbrush or pencil in my hand , the result was inevitable .
12 Dinda and I had a cottage in Stratford last , we made sure that father was going to Plymouth to Debbie 's for the week , he said he adores it down there
13 I had a mouthful of coffee and I thought that she farting
14 Yes , I had a request from speaker at Birchwood High School and have a name of somebody there , I think it 's a teacher or pupil but
15 Okay , just a final item , I think , before we , we break , thank you Paul , break for , for lunch , and that 's to go back to , I had a request from Derek to speak on Oak Farms
16 Nevertheless , I had a glimmer of hope .
17 Would I perhaps welcome the security of a helicopter , or welcome the security of waking up in bed to find that it was all a dream and I had n't actually gone hill-walking at all because I had a date with Gerard Depardieu ?
18 But I had a friend in Radio 3 : so thanks , ghostly and absent companion .
19 I 'm gon na tell Rosemary I had a biscuit at home .
20 Dannii said : ‘ I had a ball with Kylie . ’
21 I 've never felt … comfortable with them , and I think I had a kind of lesson , I 'm going to stop going to their house .
22 I had a kind of ear infection which caused giddiness and I had to come out of the West End play I was appearing in at the time , The Rose Tattoo .
23 I had a perm on Friday and then rushed off to the dentist for an emergency white cement type filling to fill my Friday 13th loss ( ! ) — maddening to have to go back again as it is the other side of town , but I walked the two miles or so home , along with Bella .
24 On waking I had a look at Nigel and then telephoned Alan , to find out when he would be ready to drive him to the crematorium mortuary .
25 Erm well , I had a look at probation which is a a different
26 I had a look at Newley 's papers .
27 ‘ Mum , ’ he says to Rose , ‘ I had a fight with James Dunn today , and guess who won ?
28 I had a go at Bob . ’
29 I had a go on Nigel 's racing bike .
30 When it had finished I had a pizza for tea .
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