Example sentences of "i had [art] good [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was fortunate that I had a good friend of my own age , also called Wanda : we relished being gloomy together .
2 I had a good friend in Marius , who had been in the Swedish Army before joining the Legion .
3 I had a good laugh about it and eventually she saw the funny side .
4 At least I had a good head of hair , even if one or two were gray .
5 I did however , have a shaky start with casting on , but I read the instruction book , back to front and upside down until I had a good idea of what I was doing , resulting in two 4-ply cardigans for my eldest two grand-daughters .
6 I thought I had a good idea of where at least one copy of the novel would certainly be .
7 I had a good sense of balance and had got the hang of riding this two-wheeled bike quite well .
8 I had a good look round you know .
9 ‘ I thought I had a good chance of winning in the end , ’ Vrabel said .
10 The presence of all these species also meant that I had a good chance of spotting the birds that preyed on them .
11 A nifty bit of sleight of hand got the ashtray into the correct position , and in a few seconds , I had a good quantity of the precious fluid .
12 I will always maintain that I had a good time in service , and from what I heard there were n't many bad places in the Teesdale area — just the odd one here and there .
13 But I had , I had a go I had a good cup of tea before .
14 I can remember my grandfather , in the 1940s , telling me that I had a good bump of location .
15 I had a good job as an electronics engineer and have just been given three months notice , losing all my pension rights after working 26 years for the same company .
16 Well this one of mine , I had a good deal with this one .
17 The officer 's evidence will probably be in the following terms : ‘ I had a good view of the zebra crossing when I saw a pedestrian step on to the crossing limits from the footpath outside the Town Hall and walk about one third of the way across the crossing when the defendant drove in front of the pedestrian etc . ’
18 Now I had a good view of the countryside .
19 I climbed into the garden and crouched in the porch , from whence I had a good view of the street .
20 As I stood on the footbridge I had a good view of the station .
21 From there I had a good view of a beautiful statue of the Madonna and Child lit by the flickering flames of candlelight , as well as of a small raised plinth of stone which I supposed marked the tomb of some notable .
22 I had no good blood for the man but I would n't want anything to happen to him . ’
23 That continued with some effort for the next twenty-five years , when I had the good fortune to be introduced to Lady Collins , who had inspired a succession of what was eventually called Fount Books , some reprints of more expensive books , some specially written for her series , both varieties being published in paperback , at the lowest possible price .
24 There has been a Europeanisation of academic life over the past 20 years since I had the good luck to be appointed to Edinburgh 's Regius Chair of Public Law .
25 I am still rather surprised that I had the good sense for once in my life to follow my hunch and come and see you .
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