Example sentences of "i would [adv] [verb] they [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd probably check them in October again .
2 ‘ I 'm not the kind of person that talks about my problems — I 'd rather sort them out myself .
3 Still , I 'd rather have them with us than against us , ’ added Feradach .
4 looks nice , no burnt or anything , and I says ee it 's lovely is it , I said alright , would been down for this morning like and I says ooh come on then do n't bother when you get home starting making anything I says just say , let's ask for steak pies , so I says er can we have er two steak and kidney pies please ? , she said I 'm sorry we do n't , there is n't any kidney an all , I 'm glad there is n't I did n't want , well I 'd of eaten 'em like but I 'd rather have them without
5 ‘ As a matter of fact , I have , but I 'd rather keep them for more important things .
6 There are passages in this book which are curiously enigmatic or coy ; but I 'd recommend it to anyone and I 'd freely tell them about Dennis that he 's a good old boy , a sound socialist , a grassroots climbers .
7 My thighs and bum — I 'd definitely like them to be a lot smaller .
8 When I first went , I thought I 'd only get them for a couple of weeks at the most .
9 In the first place , I always threatened the orchestra that if they played too loudly I would simply lower them by ten centimetres ; and if they continued , then by the end of the first act they would be in the dungeon .
10 Since I 've recently had my car radio stolen I 'm quite in favour of them not being sold at the car boot sales perhaps somebody would like to returns it to me but erm , the , you know , I 'm er you know they do need some restr , some legislation but I would n't want them to be legislated out of existence .
11 At least two of them sail very close to the wind but I would n't categorise them as murderers .
12 I would n't give them to a dog .
13 ‘ There is a band of mercenaries going round the circuit , but I would n't pay them in washers — even the big names ’ — JOHN PERKINS ( Pontypool coach ) on player transfers in Wales .
14 Well I would n't keep them in the garage anyway .
15 although I would n't push them into it .
16 If one runs out of the latter one can use paper tissues instead , though I would n't recommend them for pressing fragile flower heads as the tissues can leave a slight pattern on the petals .
17 these are my children , I would n't harm them for the world .
18 I would n't trust them to people who 've had a year to get ready and still manage to come two hours late .
19 Oh yeah there , there 's some people I would n't take them to .
20 Well I have I did n't because I said that I would just tell them about it and then I would speak again this month and see what er , they say .
21 I would also like them to be sure which player was responsible for Hirst being sent off — his name 's Haber .
22 I would not expect them to pair and breed until they are at least four inches long , so you will have to be patient .
23 He almost pranced along the passage with his pet and I hoped fervently that I would not see them in there again .
24 Thinking they frequented the Creek I would not allow them to be shot but they bent down my grain and destroyed acres of it , and simultaneously disappeared some months after harvest — Where did they come from where do they go ? pray let me hear from you and believe me
25 I would not recommend them for submersed cultivation and I do not believe that a reputable aquarium dealer would sell you those plants as aquarium plants .
26 If the quality I see here is truly representative of all the EX models , then I would certainly recommend them to anyone wanting to buy into the Ibanez range at a reasonable price .
27 That afternoon I left for Abu Dhabi with the promise that I would indeed see them in Al Ain in a week 's time .
28 I was quite tough with them and , though I 've only ever smacked them once — with the stick end of a feather duster which , since reading Mommie Dearest , they 've turned into a wire coat-hanger — I would often destroy them with tongue-lashings that still twist my conscience today .
29 But she said proudly , ‘ I would never visit them without work .
30 I would then pack them into a neat , brown-paper parcel , stick on one of our PPC labels , with customer 's name and address clearly visible , write out an invoice — then presto !
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