Example sentences of "i would have [vb pp] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Erm but er unless I I may repeat one or two of the things I 'd have said on the phone I 'm bound to do that , er the three things that are gon na be decided here today really is you if you and I erm you 've got inside information of course , er if you and I agree that er is the is the platform for you to earn some good money .
2 It was about it was the same as I 'd probably got if I 'd have gone to the pit at fourteen . .
3 Otherwise , I 'd have gone to the police when Sam did n't show up yesterday . ’
4 If I 'd have gone to the to the social services or er the D H S S and says to them , my daughter 's got to have a new uniform to go to school with because her self respect is gon na suffer if she does n't , they would n't have given be nothing .
5 I 'd have asked for a final orgy myself , but each to his own .
6 But I 'd have jumped in the lake if I 'd lost .
7 If I 'd stayed any longer with the villain who sold me those QE2 boots , I 'd have walked from the shop with a case of tent pegs and a canoe .
8 Obviously I 'd left the rabbits alone for too long , or I 'd have known about the existence of such a brute .
9 The voice was not what I 'd have expected from a girl who 'd been playing house with a mug like Mahoney .
10 If you 'd known me when I was 12 or 14 , there was no way I 'd have got near a stage .
11 Mind you , I earned that foreman 's job , but I did n't take it because I knew the problems I 'd have had with the men . ’
12 I 'd have cried , I 'd have brooded for a long time .
13 I 'd have banked for a draw actually
14 I tried to imagine how I 'd have coped with a year 's solitary confinement .
15 ‘ I am the mother of a spastic child but had I been told before his birth that my son would be handicapped I would have asked for an abortion .
16 Well I I would have said on the phone that under normal circumstances if you 're salaried or have been salaried I do n't talk people into this unless they 're a certain age .
17 I would have said in the , in the large part .
18 ‘ If only it had been me I would have flown to the highest tree where they could n't catch me and then , and then into the sky to find the wind . ’
19 I am sure I would have gone to the Crusades and done my bit , although that might just have been the racist in me or my natural desire to loot .
20 Well I would have gone round the back again .
21 What I would have given for a sesame bap .
22 Emelia Kanthack commented that she ‘ always approached my East End patients with my very best manners and extended the same little courteous considerations to them that I would have served towards a lady ’ .
23 Beauty is only skin deep , as they say , but I would have hoped for a lot more from a C64 .
24 Normally I would have sounded like a tongue-tied half-wit , but that evening my response appeared to hint at the inexpressible depths and nuances of my infinitely complex relationship with the city , together with a gentle rebuke to a question which was either fatuous or unanswerable .
25 If I were Batty I would have jumped at the offer .
26 I would have thought with a child that it would be far better to be N H S.
27 Er er I d I do n't think that we as a panel are necessarily going to ever and and and it may not be our role in fact to do so , to come to a judgement on it , but I would have thought as a matter of common sense , and common agreement , that there should be some er way in which the various parties would come together on the basic demographic statistics and would certainly accept that certain basic projections should be used i in looking forward .
28 And fly into New Zealand I would have thought on the
29 A year ago I would have stuck to the strict moral point .
30 Subject to the letter , from the Crown Prosecution Service of 23 October , to which I shall hereafter refer , I would ( subject also to my procedural misgivings ) have made the same order as Wright J. made and the Court of Appeal affirmed and I would have sympathised with the observation of Neill L.J .
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