Example sentences of "i have the [noun] [to-vb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Why did n't I have the courage to release him ?
2 I 'm very glad I had the chance to meet you , you know , because you are one of the memories I have to take back with me . ’
3 Indeed it was one of the most shocking stories of police corruption and legal incompetence I had ever read , and believing that I had the ability to rectify it , I decided , whatever my other commitments , that I must bring it to public notice as soon as possible .
4 ‘ And I had the gall to judge you by those standards .
5 No , at first it was difficult but then I had the Wilsons to help me .
6 ‘ If I had the courage to ask him or her out … ’ .
7 ‘ If only I had the means to set you up in a house where I could visit you . ’
8 I had the balls to do it because I did n't know any better .
9 Financially , I have the wherewithall to give her a very good life .
10 I have the bruises to prove it . ’
11 ‘ At least I have the sense to treat her with respect . ’
12 It will take a great deal of money to do it properly and I 'm only interested in doing it if I have the support to give me a chance of winning .
13 ‘ I am capable of setting myself targets and I know I have the self-discipline to attain them .
14 In a stronger voice , she said , ‘ I ask you to do this , because I have the right to ask it .
15 Sukarno regained importance as consensus figure : ‘ If it should ever turn out that Sjahrir is not maintaining the demand for 100 per cent Merdeka … then I have the right to dismiss him ’ , he told a wildly cheering crowd on 17 February 1946 .
16 Do n't you think I have the right to command you ? ’
17 I have the scars to prove it ! ’
18 Foolish because if you do not tell me , I have the power to take you away from the river bank , away from the sun and light , and shut you in the caracol for ever . ’
19 ‘ I know I have the power to do it .
20 Sub-text : ‘ I have the power to quiz you , and your discomfort at finding this intrusive does not matter . ’
21 ‘ I do n't know if I have the strength to hear it now , ’ she murmured , ‘ having heard so much already . ’
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