Example sentences of "i have [adv] [vb pp] [verb] up " in BNC.

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1 I was in Nassau on business today but could n't keep my mind on it because I 'd already decided to come up here tonight and be with you .
2 He had been in the village the previous evening and I had n't bothered to wait up until he returned .
3 I had also agreed to load up out of sight , though within easy walking distance , of villages — it would be as as if I had gone into the villages for supplies , but this way meant that I would n't attract anyone 's attention .
4 I 've not worn make up since I 've got married , but even then it was just a wee drop , but , I do n't enjoy wearing make up , I feel dirty with it on , but , what ever you want to do , its up to yourself .
5 Guess I 've just learned to put up with it .
6 This was before I was playing with Chet and everything , so that 's all it really needed , and I 've just tried to keep up since then .
7 I 've even considered picking up litter in different parts of London — or even different parts of the country — to include in the archive , as historical specimens of the varied treatment meted out to ephemera : the flyers with the coupons torn out , worth 15 pence off the next purchase in high-street supermarkets ; the junk-food cartons , the ketchup sachets and tiny envelopes of pepper and salt outside the fast-food places , and , by contrast , the pristine copies of Vogue , the printed dress boxes , emblazoned with trademarks and royal coats of arms , tossed into the dustbins of Kensington .
8 I 've also managed to catch up with the ever-lengthening list of official consultations .
9 I do the same if someone I 've never seen comes up and uses one of my names .
10 I 've only got to make up three hours
11 I have n't got make up on
12 no its not for my husband cos my husband says you look nice whether I 've got make up on or whether I have n't got make up on so really
13 I have not only politically united the German people , but also militarily rearmed them , and I have further attempted to tear up page for page that Treaty , which contained in its 448 articles the most base violations ever accorded to nations and human beings .
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