Example sentences of "i be [vb pp] [prep] this [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I am fortified in this view by consideration of what could result if the local authority were right .
2 we know the truth ‘ I am acquainted with this sense-datum ’ .
3 I am committed to this enterprise : To climb the mountain , to cut down the cedar , and leave behind me an enduring name . ’
4 ‘ And I am put in this ward under observation because I am suspected of having heart murmurs and also I am having surgery on my face .
5 It also indicates the very real difficulties I 'm faced with this year , because unless I get the go-ahead to cancel before the end of May , we 're stuck again with having to pay whatever the publishers demand this year .
6 I 'm faced with this business of the Danish marriages , ’ the boy said without enthusiasm .
7 It 's like a speck of dust drifts down and goes into my eye and I look up to see where it came from and I 'm hit by this tonne of bricks ; it hits me that hard .
8 I 'm moved by this tribute , Hugo , ’ Matthew said , laughing .
9 Honestly , I 'm gutted with this cold the noo , could you give me
10 I 'm supported in this application by , the chair of the , Mister , deputy chair , and Mrs and , parent governors .
11 Well that 's why now I 'm glad when I 'm come on this diet that I can fill his
12 But I 'm told on this day , May thirteenth , thirty seven years ago , and that should bring back a lot of memories for many of you , the Three-Ninetieth flew its hundred and fifth combat mission from this station and many of you remember that day .
13 When we get to the jobs erm side of it the jobs I I I 'm accused outside this afternoon of of putting in jeopardy one thousand something jobs erm , this authority got rid of seven hundred jobs , education jobs er only a few months ago and there 's many more , something on the region of two thousand jobs will be lost in this authority without a protest .
14 Am I being interviewed as this council 's Environmental Health Officer , or am I being interviewed as a representative of the institution of Environmental Health Officers ? ’
15 No that 's alright then and er I , I got into , I came , came back sort of when mother died , had to come back suddenly in the middle of the week and then erm I brought me family up as I say and , and my hubby he took , he took us Christmas shopping which is twenty one years ago this , this month the sixteenth my daughter-in-law and I and the little boy and that 's the little boy over there that 's now married , the one with the photograph , he took us shopping at Bishop 's Stortford cos we had n't any shops nothing here then , there was nothing when I first came here it was terrible and we went to Bishop 's Stortford and we came home in the , dinner time and I got erm , had our dinner and everything , had our meal , well we had soup and that was gon na cook at night , er you know , dinner at night so we had soup and that and erm he said I go down to the garage to put a tyre on my car , he came struggling back and within half an hour he was dead at fifty six years old that 's all he was , so I was left to bring up those that was n't married , I was left to bring up er the others you know , er I had the twins with me and Roy one of the boys and erm , er Brian the youngest one and I had to bring them up and I , after I , they , they all got married and I moved , before they got married I just got Brian with me the two twins got married , and I moved into my daughter-in-law 's house next door which was no two , seven , five the other side , I 'm sorry , two , seven , five and er I was in my house though three years that four bedroom and I could n't afford to keep you know big house like that going with just three , my , me and my son so we moved into her house and she had the end one which is still in now , we 'd done a swap and then cos er , er in the later years I was in there oh a long , long while and I loved it and I did n't wan na move but then I found , I was handicapped , I would n't get up the stairs to the toilet so I was moved into this bungalow you see and I had a friend living with me and he erm , he come here to live with me , came to lodge with me because he did n't want to go into Stevenage you see and er , after that erm , after that we , I had this bungalow and er I moved into this bungalow and er he moved in here with me and er everything happened when I got in this bungalow .
16 Since well before I was elected to this House , I have pressed for the provision of secure accommodation to end the scandal of young offenders and remand prisoners in particular being held in prison accommodation .
17 I was born with this haircut .
18 I was born in this country in 1964 .
19 I 'm not really worried about that , seeing as I was born in this country , but what I do n't understand is why they should doubt me .
20 " I was born in this room , " he said .
21 Yes , I , I was born in this house but er I do n't wish people to know er because er this is a funny world , I , I do n't know whether that 's being recorded I expect
22 Each week I continued and with Molly and Peggy Secord as my first Medau teachers , I was hooked on this form of rhythmic movement .
23 I was heartened by this news though Marianne , who has experienced the unpredictable effects of alcohol on the North African male to her cost , was less amused .
24 I was kept for this job . ’
25 No , but I was fascinated by this man because he wanted above all things for us to record the Bartók Music for Strings , Percussion , and Celesta .
26 I was appointed to this post , and on my arrival at Lancaster was further promoted to reader ( Associate Professor ) .
27 Remained blissfully unaware till I was seated on this train to Lausanne that reservations and supplements were OBLIGATOIRE on all TGV trains , so I had to fork out about £12 as a result .
28 I was approached in this room about erm , twelve months ago , by Francis and Tricia erm , to ask if I would make a programme out for their group .
29 But I was thrown into this Guild secretary business and er you ca n't do both , not when you 're trying to erm a family and then by then my son was away and erm I went got a job and the Co-op gave me a job .
30 I was disgusted by this news .
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