Example sentences of "for us [conj] [pron] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Cantona has been making things happen for us since he arrived here , ’ said Ferguson , who believes United will bounce back from their surprise reverse at Oldham .
2 Once there was a couple of girls who had had their babies and they 'd say to you , " Change the baby for us while I run upstairs and get so-and-so " or " Will you feed the baby for me a minute ? " or " Can you make up some feeds ? "
3 He became a huge favourite with pre-war fans , who loved his fiercely determined performances , and it was while Bob was playing for us that we came closest to clinching the Southern League championship , being denied on goal average alone by Swindon Town in 1913–14 .
4 We are concerned in fact that er the western nations did n't rather deplore earlier er Hussein 's actions against his own people using chemical weapons , and we think it 's a shame for us that we 've only come in at this point , and we must come in carefully I think .
5 The Treaty of Rome , with the consent of the British people , was given force in this country by our EC Act of 1972 ; Brussels has no power to legislate for us that we did not give it .
6 We had food provided for us that we did not have to cook .
7 Well it is for us because we 've always been saying it .
8 Trouble is , some of them have made the mistake I think , of saying well it 's not good for us because we do n't do really old furniture you know .
9 But we also had the attendant holding the door for us as we came out of the changing room because the wind was threatening to tear it off its hinges , as well as relentlessly trying to move the deep end up to the shallow end .
10 We had reached the restaurant , and the gallery owner held the door open for us as we went in .
11 We feel this will be significant for us as we have not as yet really ‘ advertised ’ the Centre because we felt we had no real permanence of venue .
12 ‘ They can make life damned unpleasant for us if we do n't toe the line , ’ said Edward Crumwallis .
13 Just because like they 'd leave them for us and we had n't changed them .
14 Actually that 's not a completely fair statement because 1990–91 were start-up years for us and we invested heavily .
15 ‘ Listen , Gurder 's waiting for us and we do n't want any more trouble — ‘
16 ‘ I never cook for us and we do n't have dinner parties .
17 Sometimes humans put out bowls of milk for us and we do all the housework for them .
18 A theorem which is very important for us and which proves not only that any two integers a , b ( not both zero ) do have a gcd , but much more besides is Theorem 1.4.4 Any two integers a , b ( not both zero ) have a unique positive gcd .
19 Using word processors was already standard practice for us and it became rapidly apparent that desktop publishing was the way to go , so far as production systems were concerned .
20 Just as the record was going to be released , Dave came round and told us he 'd got another manager for us and it turned out to be Ralph Horton who we 'd auditioned for at The Roebuck Pub in Tottenham Court Road .
21 Mohan Lal was waiting for us when we came out to breakfast on 31 October .
22 Mum was waiting up for us when we got indoors , but before she could speak Mary began telling her about the agreement she had with Albert to pay for the wedding and this took the wind out of her sails .
23 It was nice to find it waiting for us when we got back from Telford — a change from all the bills !
24 He will prepare food for us when he comes down , so mind what you say in his presence . ’
25 Well say hello to them for us cos we have n't seen them for a long time .
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