Example sentences of "for a [adj] [noun] that [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 As for the Socialists , they have been told so often that they are heading for a total rout that they will actually be relieved if they manage to get the 20 per cent which the last polls were predicting .
2 We have made it clear for a long period that we believe that devolution or independence would damage very severely the degree of inward investment into Scotland and the degree of self-generating investment within Scotland as well .
3 It was thought for a long time that he was a Carthusian but there is no firm evidence for this .
4 I 'd been thinking for a long time that I 'd welcome the chance to talk with a psychiatrist , although not about captivity — I felt I 'd worked my way through that enough — but about my past and how I came to be the person I was when I was taken hostage .
5 Indeed , the fact that he did not refer her to a different psychiatrist convinced me for a long time that I had misconstrued the situation .
6 I did , and they , oh Chris erm happened to notice that they have charged for a new phone that I have n't got .
7 I think there is a tendency erm for local authority planners to have horizons set by the end date of the current plan period , and work , try and work in that , sort of around the real world I think , where nothing happens , or nothing is conceivable , beyond that time period , erm , this particular approach , er does not work in the case of new settlements , there is no need when having established your design size for a new settlement that it necessarily all has to be built within current plan period , and I think this sort of approach is recognized in Cambridgeshire where , in case of the A forty five new settlement , a view was taken at an early stage that a new settlement of three thousand dwellings was needed to meet long term development needs in Cambridgeshire , an area where the planning issues and problems where very similar to those of York , and the approved structure plan in policy proposed that new settlement to be designated as three thousand , of which two thousand portion would be built within the current plan period , so it seems to me that the the question of size need not be an impediment to erm designation of a new settlement if the existing requirement and need are adjudged not to require the sort of new settlement size that we are creating .
8 So we are looking for a new name that we shall use for the discs when they are eventually released .
9 He was frighteningly close , and Robbie , certain for a terrifying instant that she was about to be attacked , was trembling violently .
10 But as many as are thus sottish , let them enjoy their own wildness and ignorance , it is sufficient for a good man that he is conscious unto himself that he is more nobly descended , better bred and born , and more skilfully taught by the purged faculties of his own mind.2
11 This time , the exact number of moves per game was not fixed at 200 but was left open , for a good reason that I shall come to later .
12 The shorter this is , the more sense it makes to take the lump sum , rather than deny yourself for a longer-term pension that you will not be around to enjoy .
13 I think we have to be a little bit careful about this because , of course , erm the feeling is not that once they 've been in the job for a little while that they are still amateurs , it 's merely that we do n't require them to know a great deal about what they 're going to do before they start .
14 Quite apart from the blunder there was one moment near the end of the game when he was walking around on the stage of Sadler 's Wells , unaware for a few minutes that it was his move .
15 I have made it a point of honour to spare you moral blackmail of the ‘ Do you honestly suppose for a single moment that I would be capable of stooping to such beastliness ? ’ variety , and I shall not waver even at this supreme moment .
16 No other organisation needed to meet such a rapidly expanding demand for a single product that they had , in effect , to build one new factory every two months , as the BEA did during their first ten years .
17 Waking very cold and aching , Perdita saw little red flames flickering across the great blue arch of sky and thought for a terrified second that she was in the middle of a forest fire .
18 It is late and the sea is a little rougher so Tor decides to head for a sheltered inlet that he knows .
19 The third item , says check , check B S T , that 's just an order for a particular customer that I put through yesterday , and I want to make sure it 's going to happen today .
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