Example sentences of "for the [adj] [noun sg] [to-vb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Although he grew beautiful flowers for competition in his tiny greenhouse on the allotment , he was content for the front garden to consist of a small shaved lawn and empty flower bed with two statutory rose bushes and a border of tedious alyssum .
2 Tempting as it may be for the harassed mother to jump at the chance of sending her three year old to playschool every morning , imagine the devastating effect this can have when it coincides with the arrival in the home of a brand new baby .
3 The most famous symbol of the tendency for the educated élite to move from radicalism towards liberalism was the publication of Vekhi , a thoroughgoing rejection of the revolutionary heritage by leading members of the intelligentsia .
4 Then , in emulation of André Cipriani , he called for the middle class to join in the struggle for independence .
5 If that approach prevails in the higher courts , it will amount to a major reverse , making it more difficult for the ordinary citizen to complain of unlawful action by a public authority .
6 Opinion in Washington had slowly been moving , during the previous three months , to the conclusion that it was not essential for the Soviet Union to participate in the final stages of the Pacific conflict .
7 There 's even more ammunition for the Limited driver to unload in the performance-over-a-pint discussion at the local pub .
8 The banks have been hostile to the plans from the beginning but had been waiting for the right moment to withdraw on commercial rather than political grounds .
9 With this in position he waits for the right moment to switch through the distance shot film of the city , coupled with the live action inlay of the characters .
10 Such arrangements were mutually beneficial , although there was always a tendency for the Communist influence to increase at the expense of other less cohesive groups .
11 It should always be possible for the salaried partner to rely on the nature of his subordinate position to claim to be entitled ( at any rate by necessary implication ) to an indemnity from the full partners in respect of any additional liabilities to which his being held out has exposed him : but as a matter of good practice , every would-be salaried partner should insist on written terms which clarify his standing in the firm and effectually indemnify him against extraordinary expenses and liabilities .
12 In Western society , adults may play with money as an acceptable substitute for the unconscious desire to play with faeces .
13 When in due course the investigation process is completed by the issue of a report , it is for the regulating authority to put into effect the safety recommendations the report contains .
14 Having your own original opinions was clearly a major flaw in a mirza and , just to be on the safe side , the Mirza Nama offers a few acceptable opinions for the young gentleman to learn by heart and adopt as his own .
15 Gone are the days when Grandma lived down the road and Auntie Maud was just around the corner , each of them providing a comforting and experienced shoulder for the young mother to lean upon .
16 Text c is intended for specific addressees , not for the general public , and it is hard for the general public to interpret without access to shared presuppositions and previous experience which can not comfortably be forced into the framework proposed by Lewis .
17 The Festival series of four drama presentations , LOCATION BIRMINGHAM , is an opportunity for the general public to discuss with the producers , directors , writers and performers ( if available ) their series : the origins of the idea for the series , the production background , the writers ' viewpoint , audience reaction , future plans etc .
18 This was the signal for the general discontent to erupt into action .
19 Another factor , however , was related to the city itself ; the entrenched and static nature of politics in the city did not encourage activities which assumed that there was at least a little capacity for the political system to respond to popular campaigning .
20 ‘ Why two rooms ? ’ asked Billie as they waited for the slow-moving lift to ascend to the third floor .
21 Would not the worst thing that could possibly happen for any of our constituents or patients be for the Labour party to come to power and abolish competitive tendering ?
22 ‘ I know from my visits to Northern Ireland and discussions with members of the trade union movement , that there is a real and genuine desire for the Labour Party to organise in Northern Ireland . ’
23 The purpose of these is to produce prototype implementations as a vehicle for the technical team to explain to members the factors involved in the development of neural network-based solutions across a range of applications .
24 ‘ The worst possible scenario would be for the civilian government to remain in a weak and powerless state , forcing us to maintain a military occupation in the city , ’ said Mr Roberts , who is dean of the law school at DePaul University in Chicago .
25 For the ultimate freedom to explore at leisure Citalia gives you the choice of a motoring holiday .
26 Snuggled on my mother 's knee on the fire-side rocker , waiting for the black kettle to boil on the hob , I could smell the dinner cooking in the coal-fired oven ; only the cat , nestling in the plate-warmer , could have been any more cosy .
27 For the dying man to lapse into a state of stupor or incoherence was regarded as a misfortune both for him and for those unable to profit from his words , or even , perhaps , from some shared glimpse of the unseen .
28 I found out how well after a serious filter failure while away , but it did take a few days for the lethargic specimen to return to full health .
29 This in itself provides a complicated emotional scenario for the bereaved person to cope with .
30 Upon arrival at Aberdeen Airport your COMPLIMENTARY CAR will be awaiting you … and will be yours for the entire weekend to use as you please .
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