Example sentences of "for the [noun] [conj] it [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 Then , if you like , you can do a little pantomime routine where you look behind you for the ghost but it follows you around until you finally find it , and then you can do a brief activity with the ghost , like walk around the room in ‘ follow my leader ’ style or sing a song such as ‘ My kneebone 's connected to my thigh bone ’ .
2 This series of squares is disquieting as it heads for the horizon unless it allows for the curvature of the Earth .
3 But there 's two ways of getting them off if they do latch on to you , one is to burn them off with a cigarette or a match and the other way is to use rock salt , and if you put rock salt on them they then just come off so that 's a little bit erm more humane for the leeches but it depends what you feel about them really as to whether you want to give them another chance .
4 A sense of smell is the first and primary thing for the animal because it gives it its sense of direction and it 's very important and it goes gently cold , delicately as the dark snow .
5 It is a valuable acquisition for the museum as it describes an experience which quite a number of Middlesbrough people must have gone through . ’
6 Oxfam is being urged to call off a charity pop concert because of fears it could attract thousands of travellers back to Castlemorton.Tickets are already on sale for the event although it has n't yet been granted a licence.Richard Barnett reports :
7 The advantage of a body clock is that it can prepare an animal or plant and enable it to predict a future environmental condition and so be ready for the event when it takes place .
8 This is all very limiting for the pilot but it does mean that the investigator is able to know exactly what the pilot is , or should be , doing at any stage in the flight .
9 This is very convenient for the user as it requires the minimum of handling .
10 Jen grabs for the bottle and it drops down on the grass and rolls away , glug , gurgle .
11 I thought to myself , ‘ I have n't bought any tickets for the raffle but it looks as if I have won first prize . ’
12 Vic becomes even more convinced that this was the motive for the call as it proceeds , because Stuart Baxter has nothing new to communicate .
13 The state will pay the same price for the electricity as it pays to hydroelectric power stations , while the capital cost of the generators will be born by the distilleries , saving the state the US$8,000 million cost of a new 3,000-MW hydroelectric power station .
14 It is important for the writer because it lays out a line of attack along which the essay will proceed .
15 It is entirely a matter for the society whether it selects one of its own employees or instructs an independent firm .
16 I join my right hon. Friend in paying tribute to the design museum for the standard that it has set .
17 Will he also accept that his demonstration of confidence in the plant 's high quality power unit is most important for the company when it seeks orders abroad ?
18 Keeping your fingers crossed and plunging on is one way of dealing with tricky situations which may gain a reputation for the school that it has firm and strong management but it can have costs in the loss of a number of unhappy families .
19 ‘ Clearly , this is worrying for the board as it prepares to address the new objectives for 1992/93 . ’
20 The Prime Minister gave his go-ahead at a meeting with the Chancellor , Treasury Chief Secretary Michael Portillo , Social Security Secretary Peter Lilley and Employment Minister Michael Forsyth , after being told that doctors , especially in inner city areas , sign people on for the benefit because it pays more than dole money .
21 The Prime Minister gave his go-ahead at a meeting with the Chancellor , Treasury Chief Secretary Michael Portillo , Social Security Secretary Peter Lilley and Employment Minister Michael Forsyth , after being told that doctors , especially in inner city areas , sign people on for the benefit because it pays more than dole money .
22 Other examples of rules which may not be congruent with the requirements of fiduciary law are SIB Core Rule 2 , which states that where a firm has a material interest it must not knowingly act for the customer unless it takes steps to ensure his " fair treatment " ( this may not be sufficient under fiduciary law ) , and SIB Core Rule 25 which in conjunction with SFA Conduct of Business Rule 5 — 36(2) permits " front running " .
23 Moreover , it is socially important for the way that it demystifies such manoeuvres .
24 again which they 've had have n't they ? , for how many weeks in the year do you actually attend cos I said that you do n't get grant for the holidays and it stipulates the term
25 These have been especially designed for the work and it helps to make every effort to obtain them .
26 Will the Minister commend Lagan college in my constituency for the progress that it has made in the past 10 years ?
27 This form of markup provides the flexibility to select different display styles for the text because it does not anticipate the typography of the New OED .
28 If life has developed for the enjoyment that it brings , and it started with the existence of a single cell , then it is reasonable to suppose that the single cell was capable of the detection of an extremely small measure of ‘ pleasure ’ which it could experience by satisfying some ‘ desire ’ .
29 Jane Camp is an enthusiast for the medium because it allows her to control wet-into-wet washes and paint out mistakes more easily than when working with watercolours
30 Angling for the deal that it has sought for some time now , UK firm IXI Ltd , Cambridge , is starting to cast groundbait all over the water in an attempt to land its catch .
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