Example sentences of "for the [noun] [noun] [conj] [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 The poet JAMES FENTON worked in Vietnam as a stringer for The Washington Post and continues to write about the Far East .
2 Also selected for the first time is batsman Mohsin Chohan , who plays for the Bangor club and has appeared for Caernarfonshire in the past .
3 This exercise is very good for the abdomen muscles and helps to flatten a flabby stomach .
4 He blames speculators and traders for the shock waves and says the surge in prices ca n't be justified by the oil crisis .
5 At Chessington attendances pretty well stood still , again a very good performance in my view and er , justification for the capital spending that 's gone on in recent years to bring that er , to bring Chessington to where we want it to be .
6 The student living in lodgings is invisible in terms of qualifying for the council tax and does not add one jot to the amount that the widow or anyone else would have to pay .
7 ‘ Miss Algar works for the Home Office and liaises with Number 10 . ’
8 The much-loved dresser was the inspiration for the colour scheme that links all five storeys .
9 Ask Computer Systems Inc has expanded its Manman/X business information system to include support for the Oracle database and says it has signed a worldwide pact with Oracle Systems Corp to become an Oracle Business Alliance Partner : the two will continue to offer their respective products directly to mutual customers , and maintain separate but co-ordinated support staffs .
10 But no film or lecture can prepare for the culture shock that awaits the new tourists to the sub-continent when they arrive early tomorrow in Delhi .
11 So the president of Y Products manages more people , governs a greater share of corporate resources , and earns a lot more money for the parent company than does the president of Z Press .
12 The general feeling was that Johnson was a cheat , athletics is a rotten game , at least at top level , and thank God for the rugby spirit that keeps us pure .
13 The current National Catalogue contains sub-headings for the music modules as follows :
14 No , you know you know as you 're going down the corridor before you get to the doors to go down the next set of stairs , I mean in O S D , the last one is er for the P C that does all the man er you know all the duties and things like that , and in his office there 's a great big board with all the vehicles on , and the key 's hung up at the end and who 's got 'em out , and the bottom one is that green van , because he went up and picked 'em up , when I was there .
15 A secured creditor may , with the agreement of the trustee or leave of the court , at any time alter the value which he has , in his proof of debt , placed upon his security , but if he is the petitioner for the bankruptcy order or has voted in respect of his unsecured balance , he may revalue his security only with the leave of the court ( r 6.115 ) .
16 ( i ) Incubate embryos or cell aggregates for IS min in Ca2+- and Mg2+-free Hank 's medium ( Gibco ) at 37-C , dry them in air on clean microscope slides , fix in ethanol:acetic acid ( 3:1 v/v ) for 5 min , followed by ethanol:acetic acid:formaldehyde ( 40% ) fixation ( 85:5:10 by vol ) for 1 h , dry in air again and store them at -20-C ; ( ii ) Prepare Schiff 's basic stain for the Feulgen reaction as follows .
17 No two days are the same for the Buildings Branch and says it 's the variety which makes his job so enjoyable .
18 SprySoft provides an IPX/SPX protocol stack for the Unix workstation and runs on Santa Cruz Operation Inc 's SCO Unix and Sun Microsystems Inc 's SunOS. +1 206 286–1722
19 But Moon still hopes to be fit for the Wales squad that leaves for a week of warm-weather training in Lanzorote on Tuesday .
20 Whatever the cellular origin of the chemiluminescence , it is also important to identify the biochemical reaction(s) that produce the precursors for the myeloperoxidase reaction that produces hypochlorous acid .
21 The compact disc is sponsored by the insurer Legal & General and the royalties are expected to raise at least £25,000 for the Aids charities and projects the Trust supports .
22 Inclusion of the GFF and LPF into the bigram experiments appears to be less stable than for the trigram experiments — the number of top ranked correct words tends to drop for the bigram cases but remains almost constant for the trigram cases .
23 And it provides a useful explanation for the power house that fuels certain cosmic sources .
24 We will be tracing its pervasive effects below , firstly in relation to the largely untrammelled sentencing powers that have traditionally been enjoyed by the courts in England , and secondly in inhibiting policy initiatives that have sought to substitute an element of strategic planning for the policy vacuum that continues to characterize the English sentencing system .
25 I mean our motion you can do with it what you will but like I say we have actually aimed to actually get something which recognises all party support for the Children Act and recognises concern about the funding .
26 Although plainly crazy , the shamans are possessed of great power , for the spider venom that addles their mind also stimulates the part of their brain that controls magic .
27 Sites ' demonstration takes a simple piece of Mandlebrot-plotting code written for the Intel machine and runs it in variety of ways on the Alpha machine .
28 Sites ' demonstration takes a simple piece of Mandelbrot-plotting code written for the Intel machine and runs it in a variety of ways on the Alpha machine .
29 The aggressive midfielder played more than 200 League games for the Yorkshire side and has won 14 England caps .
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