Example sentences of "for a [noun] [prep] [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 The local press and radio picked up the story and carried it week after week — for a couple of years the gay struggle was big news for the folks back home .
2 For a couple of years the low cliffs of unconsolidated coombe rock and brickearth were eroded at the rate of 3.5–6m ( 12–20 ft ) per year before they were boarded in and a new groyne system established .
3 I went to window three and asked for a ticket to Stockholm the next morning .
4 He could hear her hairdryer , almost as hard on his nerves as a dentist 's drill ; it had ruined three attempts to get the message down already , but he did n't want to ask her to lay off for a while in case the uneasy peace was threatened yet again .
5 For a variety of reasons the rule is often breached , but there would be no excuse for missing the deadline with a report which had taken so long to prepare .
6 However , since the mid-1970s for a variety of reasons the content of this ‘ citizenship of entitlement ’ has been reduced .
7 For a variety of reasons the European nobility of the eleventh and twelfth centuries were coming increasingly to need money : to indulge their taste in war , to meet a higher standard of living , to pay for their ever more costly gifts to their friends , their superiors and inferiors , and above all to the Church , to indulge their taste for extravagant building , and to give dowries to their daughters and patrimonies to their younger sons .
8 The evaluators conclude that while the evaluation has shown how INSET and staff development can be enriched by a project like the Essex scheme , for a variety of reasons the development of this area has been disappointing .
9 Unlike Weber , therefore , who argues that in advanced industrialised societies representative democracy is for a variety of reasons the best available method by which to recruit political leaders , Schumpeter has little interest in recommending political participation for any reason .
10 I say " purport " deliberately because , for a variety of reasons the terms may fail in their objective in any particular case .
11 For a rime after D-Day the stories of incoming prisoners had developed a new excitement .
12 Do we really want to go down in history as the generation which sold for a mess of pottage the finest British companies , which have successfully built brand names and franchises of high repute over a century or more … ?
13 They 're in Oxford for a preview of Scrooge the musical … what 's been billed at the hottest show outside of London .
14 For a time after liberation the Palestinians got no food or fuel rations .
15 You 're summoned for a number of offences the first of which is that on the twenty first of June nineteen eighty eight you , on the public road namely Acrington Road Worley , used a mechanically propelled vehicle when there was no excise licence in force .
16 Nevertheless , for a number of writers the essential point is not so much that these ideas on unemployment and social welfare were new , as that a broad political consensus developed around them which achieved its apotheosis in the triumph of Keynesianism in 1947 [ Booth , 1983 ; 1984 ] .
17 We have already mentioned Equity , and for a number of reasons the entire question of how to enter the actors ' union needs discussion at this point .
18 For a number of years the Broken Axe tribe wandered west and north , conquering the Orc and Goblin tribes of the southern Worlds Edge Mountains and the Badlands .
19 For a number of years the efforts of those who were proponents of this vision were either contained or circumvented by the majority , who resisted such a massive change .
20 That must be extremely dubious , considering that for a number of years the payments were made under protest .
21 While the company has observed for a number of years the thrust of most of the recommendations put forward in the code of best practice , some of our procedures have been adjusted so that the form as well as the spirit of the code is met .
22 All right let's see if we can get you a bugler nobody 's ringing at the moment but you want a bugler for a week on Sunday the fourteenth to blow reveille and the Last Post at eleven o'clock and twelve o'clock a week on Sunday at Calverton in Nottinghamshire .
23 Furthermore the probability that any animal in A is selected must be 180÷300 × 20÷180 = 1÷15 ; for an animal in B the probability is 90÷300 × 20÷90 = 1÷15 ; and likewise , for C , the probability is 30÷300 × 20÷30 = 1÷15 .
24 For an aeon of time the words meant nothing .
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