Example sentences of "for the [noun] [pers pn] [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ No , not a bit , thanks , ’ she answered truthfully , for the chill she felt had come from within .
2 And I felt absolutely horrified , devastated to think that he could have done that sort of damage and just walked away he did n't even have to pay for the damage he 'd done .
3 The plaintiff 's share of the responsibility for the damage he had suffered in the accident arose out of the finding that either he ought to have known that the defendant 's ability to drive was impaired or , more likely , that he had drunk so much himself that he was unable to tell that the defendant 's ability was in fact impaired .
4 Simply turn the page for the exercises we 've chosen specially for you from Massage for Total Relaxation — and then face the world with a new sense of inner calm .
5 It was really too cold for the clothes I had brought , so I fell back on a recommended resource .
6 When the phone was in its cradle , Jessica reached for the clothes she had discarded .
7 For the present we need to proceed by inferences .
8 For the present he seeks to compose himself as he cycles back down to The Randolph .
9 But for the present he had seen enough .
10 Renton also discussed the situation with Lord Whitelaw , the deputy leader of the party , who was one of its most widely respected elder statesmen and a person renowned for the loyalty he had shown to Mrs Thatcher .
11 The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support received from Loughborough University 's Research Fund , and would also like to thank their research assistant , Theresa Madden , for her invaluable help and the RIBA for the assistance it has rendered .
12 Probably that Ven would go for her jugular in no uncertain fashion for the deception she had played on him .
13 We ask God for the help we need to discover what we have in common with our neighbours of other Faiths , so that , with peace among all believers , we may promote universal peace together .
14 I 'll propose Emily 's report and , and in doing so I 'd like to say thank you to her for her sterling work this year , I think she 's done a terrific job erm and I 'd like to thank her personally for the help she 's given me over the year .
15 It was , Be blessings on thee , I mean and may God bless you for the help you 've given me .
16 And I 'm sure you 've had a bit of thought about it , I 'm glad you 're see it there er and the whole lot is a blessed mismatch , it 's nothing to do with us though I do thank you Mr for the help you wish to give me , the Duke of Westminster and the Duke of Rutland if this goes through as I said this today because without a doubt the government will listen to what you have to say and I 've no doubt it will be effect .
17 Balliol also agreed to repay Edward for the help he had given in preparing the expedition by handing over to him land worth £2,000 a year to be selected from those parts of Scotland adjacent to England : in effect , the southern counties of Scotland were to be permanently ceded to England .
18 The tsar was wrong to think that he could rely on payment for the help he had given Austria in 1849 .
19 He wrote again , a careful , stilted letter , expressing gratitude for the help he had received and suggesting they shook hands and called it a day .
20 She was taking her revenge now on Bathsheba for the difficulties she had experienced in her life .
21 He described a life so different from my own that I could not have imagined it — ‘ She loved me for the dangers I had passed , and I loved her , that she did pity them . ’
22 For me that was vindication for the disagreements I 'd had with Sydney Newman and Donald Wilson , both of whom saw the music and titles after they 'd been done and said they did n't like them .
23 He sat smoking his cigarettes and reading the evening paper for the half-hour it took to accomplish these combined exercises , before leaving and getting into the tube at Bond Street .
24 Erm that 's putting it bluntly because erm obviously being a volunteer is a sort of two way thing , we could n't run without volunteers , we 're very grateful for the ones we 've got but So it 's clearly a matter of whether you decide and whether you like the way we like to run things or or not .
25 If it did , it will surely live forever in the annals of infamy ; but for the mapmaker it has ceased to exist .
26 For the labourers he had produced , on a twenty-seven by twenty-four-foot ground plan , a unit containing a lobby , living room , scullery , indoor w.c. , and one large and two small bedrooms .
27 Designing a grid for the pages you wish to produce is really a matter of commonsense .
28 Addressing the Boys ' Brigade that very Sunday , the Rev. Johnston McKay told them of the lady who , surprised by the sum raised for the clock she had given to be sold for church funds , exclaimed that she did not know she had so much to give .
29 NOFL The filename for the module you wish to enter ( as specified in the package ) can not be found in your current VMS directory and so can not be entered .
30 Watt found great difficulty in working with the Cornish mine captains and obtaining from them full payment for the engines they had built or modified .
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