Example sentences of "for [num] [noun] we [verb] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 For 30 years we have asked for it to be culverted and we have been promised that it will be done .
2 And for three decades we 've given our clients a process for better decision making and problem solving up and down the organization .
3 For 21 years we have immunised 93,000 children in Bangladesh , planted 1.1m tree seedlings in Ethiopia , provided clothing and food for 400,000 people in Mozambique and helped over 100,000 children in India gain literacy skills .
4 However , readers can take some comfort from the fact that for 18 months we have produced every word of a 16 page newsletter on a PC in WordPerfect , yet done all the page makeup on a Macintosh .
5 He said : ‘ For ten years we have sat and watched Diana being destroyed .
6 And for 50 runners-up we 've got copies of Elton 's great new video , Live In Barcelona .
7 Well for one thing we have got really have quite a few school teachers now who just could n't get off during How many school teachers do we have Agnes ?
8 For four weeks we have heard telecasters mutter about the margin of error .
9 For four days we 've had music you could almost dance to in our own front rooms — if you like that sort of music . ’
10 " For two centuries we 've done the hard work of freedom .
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