Example sentences of "for [pos pn] [noun sg] [be] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But the main reason for my silence was that secrecy and deception had by then become second nature to me .
2 But what alarmed and frightened her most and had her leaping for her pen was this talk of ‘ us ’ , of Oreste and Ellen being a pair who were ‘ happy together ’ and would never come to Italy .
3 Another reason for its failure was that CAFFE could only ever provide a single path through the diagnostic tree ; there was no way to volunteer information and to jump ahead to a later section of the flow chart .
4 At two-twenty Minto 's party appeared , saying that the reason for their delay was that Liddiat , the handyman employed by Minto at The Kilns , had pumped up the tyres of the car so hard that it was impossible to drive at more than fifteen miles per hour .
5 Gower was even more stung to learn one of the reasons for his omission was that England play eight one-day internationals on tour .
6 The most significant part of Grundrisse for our subject is that part which has been published separately in English under the title Pre-Capitalist Economic Formations together with a very valuable introduction by the historian E. Hobsbawm .
7 What is more significant for our purpose is that proportion of premium income which found its way into the acquisition of other financial assets .
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