Example sentences of "for [noun prp] [verb] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was hard for Sophie to face the kindly accusation in the two pairs of eyes gazing at her .
2 I was most impressed by the effective way in which my hon. Friend the Member for Chelmsford destroyed the hon. Gentleman 's case during a short intervention .
3 It took four years for Edouard to discover the one aspect of his life the columnists had never suspected : he was lonely .
4 Time enough later for Lucy to know the sheer delight of making love to her .
5 Fand looked her in the eyes for a long moment ; and it was difficult for Ruth to face the utter loneliness of that gaze .
6 Will the Secretary of State specify the exact circumstances that led the Secretary of State for Transport and the Secretary of State for Scotland to give the clear impression during the Kincardine and Deeside by-election that a review of that decision was possible ?
7 Woodward waited for Duncan to absorb the awful truth before he continued .
8 If everything went well , they would get there at a quarter to two and wait for Johann to open the front door .
9 It was not yet time for Johann to open the front door for my friends , and I still had to wait .
10 He and my hon. Friend the Member for Beaconsfield posed the best question of the debate when they asked whether it could apply to rail .
11 By the time we had reached Skala Maries and turned inland , I had mastered the gear changes sufficiently for Beth to relax the vice-like grip she had on my waist and enjoy the scenery .
12 They are hatching a plan for Bruno to fight the new champion in China or London next spring , leaving Lewis to pursue his right to fight for the unified title through the American courts .
13 After long talks with WBC president Jose Sulaiman , Maloney is confident that approval will be given for Lewis to fight the Hammersmith-born Jamaican Alex Stewart in the first defence of his title .
14 I remember that my hon. Friend the Member for Midlothian challenged the Prime Minister to comment on the increase , and he answered that the chairman must be worth that salary .
15 A shipment of 1.7 tonnes of plutonium bound for Japan left the French port of Cherbourg on Nov. 7 amid widespread international protest and close surveillance by environmental groups [ see pp. 38987 ; 39170 ] .
16 A UK Foreign Ministry spokesperson responded on the same day by saying that it was for Iran to make the first gesture and that the UK would " not accept Iranian intervention in [ its ] internal affairs " .
17 One possibility was " to write off the Shah and proceed on the unpalatable consumption that Mosadeq is the indisputable ruler of Persia and the only bulwark against Communism " In the end , however , the prime minister advisers decided that it was almost prudent for Britain to follow the American line .
18 We require to solve RA = I for R. Write the known matrix A as A = B — C , where B is a matrix having a known ( or easily found ) reciprocal .
19 It was time , in July 843 , for Charles to attend the long-planned meeting with his brothers to divide the regnum in the light of that survey .
20 Liz Kallend , BBC publicity officer for Eldorado surveys the empty set in the pouring Andalucian rain
21 Maeve Binchy 's The Copper Beech ( Orion ) is a collection of linking stories which read as a whole ; it is also the launch title for Orion entering the mass market area .
22 The negotiations to prepare for Rio reflect the continuing attempt by the South to bring the North to the table to overcome over four decades of neglect on the growth and development of the South …
23 The right hon. Member for Gorton told the Labour party conference : ’ Over our first Parliament we shall increase Britain 's aid budget to the United Nations target of 0.7 per cent .
24 It was not difficult for Laura to remember the first time she had set eyes on Ross Wyndham , because it had also been the day of her cousin 's wedding .
25 Meanwhile , International Paint representative based in Southampton in the UK , also headed for Hobart to check the 10 race yachts , all of which have been painted and anti-fouled with International products .
26 I could n't believe the bookies were giving 9/1 for Leeds to win the whole thing on Sat. morning .
27 ‘ It 's no good for John to have the same fitness level as the rest of the team , ’ he said after his fourth successive victory .
28 The US State Department in its preparations for Bermuda reiterated the interesting claim that the two powers in combination , both in Europe and the Middle East , formed a " more persuasive combination " than the United States alone .
29 It was unsettling for Dexter to walk the same corridor of frosted glass and fire extinguishers at TV London again .
30 As for planning , drama is relished in television , no doubt an incentive for Clark to describe the precarious survival of Western civilisation in an episode on the Dark Ages as being saved by ‘ the skin of our teeth ’ .
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