Example sentences of "for [art] [num ord] [noun] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Purple Skin ’ , selected for the second Whitechapel Open Show , has the colour and texture of bruised and damaged flesh ; broken skin , scalded in a domestic accident or bearing the marks of repeated labour with scourers and sodas .
2 For instance , during the hurried preparations for the second Ulster general strike of May 1977 , the loudest protests within the Belfast urban paramilitary organisations came from such persons .
3 To retrieve their fate back into their own hands , they must exploit Aston Villa 's defeat at Norwich and win when they go to Carrow Road for the second East Anglian title ‘ decider ’ on April 5 .
4 ‘ Constructing Culture : Media Education in the 1990s ’ is the theme for the second North American conference on media education .
5 For the second year New Scientist was in the running .
6 A RECORD entry of 129 bulls and 22 breeding females have been entered for the second Autumn Multi-breed Show and Sale of Pedigree Beef Cattle beef cattle , on the Royal Welsh Showground , Builth Wells , on November 13 .
7 For the second time that night the prison door slammed shut .
8 For the second time that night she slid silently in at a garden gate .
9 Ann 's dragged out of bed at five in the morning , for the second time that night .
10 Just like a shark , she thought for the second time that night , and the image did n't entirely displease her .
11 She got as far as the other side of the wide bed before being dragged back and pinned beneath fitzAlan 's forceful weight for the second time that night .
12 There is no such ring in the Reeve 's Tale , but it is hard not to notice that the motif seems to have been displaced and taken over by Absolon as he approaches Alison 's window for the second time that night , in order to deceive her : A sure example of intertextual inference is found in John 's use of the cradle trick ; he envies Alayn 's success with Malyne , and decides he will " " arise and auntre [ chance ] it " " himself .
13 Marie asked Gazzer for the second time that day .
14 For the second time that day , Corbett was shaken awake , an insistent voice calling his name .
15 She was beside herself , shouting at the top of her voice for the second time that day .
16 And for the second time that day , the bride vowed : ‘ I will ! ’
17 The dullness she had felt in her exhaustion became a kind of sickness now , as for the second time that day she once again flew from her own body and split into two .
18 For the second time that day she went to the canteen .
19 The boy was standing there , smiling at him for the second time that day .
20 Neither was she too happy about the epithet ‘ min skat ’ , which he 'd applied to her for the second time that day .
21 John Major shaved carefully for the second time that day .
22 For the second time that day , his sovereign had assured him that he was the only man to lead the country through the crisis and had asked him to reconsider his resignation .
23 For the second time that day I scrambled down the slope of the hill towards the sad little car .
24 The coroner bawled at the porter to follow them and , for the second time that day , Athelstan heard the confession of a man about to meet Death .
25 Refreshed , and filled once again with energy we set off for the second time that day .
26 For the second time that afternoon Sniffy Wilson rang Rain .
27 She was in Wales for the second time that year .
28 Duchamp-Villon and La Fresnaye were also members of the hanging committee , so that the Cubist painters were able to exhibit for the second time that year as a group .
29 Wu Shih smiled , surprised for the second time that morning at Wang Sauleyan .
30 As I climbed the stairs for the second time that morning , more wearily this time , I heard the sound of a keg being gently turned in a lock .
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