Example sentences of "for [art] [noun sg] [prep] [noun pl] with " in BNC.

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1 Priority had to be given to the statutory duties of constructing and publishing procedures for the assessment of pupils with special needs and the monitoring of their progress .
2 We suspect that departments that have developed gastric emptying test protocols have , as we have , offered a service to clinicians within the region for the assessment of patients with symptoms possibly caused by abnormalities of gastric emptying .
3 The Act also provides for the setting up of new procedures for the identification of children with special educational needs and for the establishment of a new definition for the term .
4 The use of this score is recommended for the selection of patients with high early mortality after variceal bleeding despite sclerotherapy , and for the design of new therapeutic trials .
5 To use another metaphor , if the world of education becomes a jungle of market forces , I fear for the survival of children with special needs .
6 By 1627 Buckingham 's pro-Catholic foreign policy had collapsed , and he was bent on a French war ; the need now was for the service of men with enough local influence to raise money for this purpose .
7 It 's a temporary position , only three years , but there is obviously a desire on the part of the Embassy to integrate more , not only through the Accademia , but also for the purpose of contacts with English museums .
8 In a message published in the Basque-language newspaper Egin on March 12 ETA noted that its bombs were directed against " military targets " and called for the resumption of negotiations with the government on a truce .
9 This was the first effort by any European power to provide systematic training at a relatively high academic level for the conduct of relations with any part of the non-European world ; and the academy became an element of some significance in Habsburg diplomacy as a whole .
10 Then , ignoring her indignant gasp , he made for the chest of drawers with the clear intention of searching that also .
11 The two colours and four suits , however , form systems ; they are essential for the organisation of games with cards just a linguistic systems are necessary for the organisation of a language .
12 The Soviet Union continued its diplomatic offensive in the region , finalizing arrangements for the exchange of ambassadors with Papua New Guinea and approaching the South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency with a view to negotiating a multilateral fisheries agreement .
13 They have made their case for the ordination of women with obvious conviction , backed up with arguable facts ( in my opinion ) — but the whole argument is delivered in a studiously temperate and fair way that will impress even those who disagree with it .
14 The Report of the Data Protection Committee was published late in 1978 , a bad time for political initiatives : within a few months the new Conservative Government was in office and contenting itself with a fresh and laborious round of further consultations — there seemed little likelihood of anything being done until , in 1981 , the Council of Europe , as part of its concern with human rights , opened its ‘ Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Data Processing ’ for signature by States which had appropriate legislation enacted .
15 In Europe the primary legal instrument for data protection is the Council of Europe Convention ‘ for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data ’ , 1981 .
16 His first post-war book , The Structure of Complex Words ( 1951 ) , combines a lexical passion for the history of words with a free-wheeling fascination with literary Freudianism .
17 Hopes for the normalization of relations with Uganda , from where the RPF operated ( see below ) , increased after the visit of the Foreign Minister Boniface Ngulinzaira on May 22-24 .
18 The government announced on June 4 that it had freed all remaining former South Vietnamese officials held in re-education camps , thereby fulfilling a key condition for the normalization of relations with the USA .
19 On one occasion , to kill time before a suitably uplifting film , we met at Waterloo station and decided to go to the cinema within the station precinct which showed a continuous programme of cartoons for the convenience of passengers with time on their hands .
20 ( 2 ) Deviations from sections II , VIII , VIIIa , IX , X and XI are permissible for a period not extending beyond Dec. 31 , 1995. ( 3 ) Notwithstanding paragraphs 1 and 2 above , Article 41 of the Unification Treaty and the rules for its implementation shall remain valid in so far as they provide for the irreversibility of interferences with property in the territory specified in Article 3 of the said treaty " .
21 The approach of the law is to distinguish the following transactions , namely , a contract for the sale of goods with a severable contract for services , a sale of goods , a contract for work and materials , and lastly , the supply of services .
23 These univariate survival analyses were also separately performed for the group of patients with preoperative radiotherapy and the group with surgery only .
24 A separate source of unresponsiveness to the consumer ‘ electorate ’ derives from the fact that since companies have control over the goods and services made available to the public , consumers can not positively ‘ vote ’ for the production of goods with the particular characteristics that best suit their requirements , but can only ‘ veto ’ the products they are actually offered .
25 Mersey Regional Ambulance Service , which now also covers Cheshire , has been selected to help formulate a new nationwide blueprint for the care of patients with serious injuries .
26 Additional evidence for the association of barchans with unidirectional winds is provided by Kharga Oasis , one of the only desert stations with wind records : at this locality the winds are almost unidirectional and the barchan is the only form of dune present .
27 UN aid officials said yesterday they were prepared for a battle of wills with rebel Serbs in an attempt to get trucks loaded with emergency supplies through to starving Muslims in eastern Bosnia .
28 On the other hand , if we were to take our sample from those families with above-average measured incomes , we would expect to find that many of them had only temporarily high incomes so that average transitory income would be positive and Y p < Y. Similarly , for a sample of families with below-average measured incomes , we should expect to find that Y T < 0 and Y p > Y.
29 I watched tv for a couple of hours with this steak on my tummy and nothing happened .
30 On Friday we 're playing for a couple of hours with a few suprise guests one had considerably more hair than the rest of the band put together .
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