Example sentences of "i [am/are] [adj] [prep] [pron] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I am delighted with my recently purchased 1985 Ninety truck cab , but for the door keeps .
2 And what is more , the clichés used by Mome Elwis are at least better suited to the cleric than anything the clerk can come out with : ( " I can do no other deed but say my paternoster and my creed to Christ for my misdeeds , and my Ave Maria — I am sorry for my sins — and my de profundis for all who remain in sin , for I am good for nothing else — Christ knows that , the king of heaven . " )
3 I am certain of something else , too .
4 I feel good , I like the circuit and I am confident about everything now .
5 I am jealous about yer though . ’
6 But , she said I 'm pleased with him so far , but we still got to be careful that 's why she made him have this collar .
7 I 'm used to it now . ’
8 But I do n't want to leave , I 'm used to it now . ’
9 Well I 'm used to it now .
10 I 'm not so embarrassed about myself now , the crowd is small but totally enthusiastic and suddenly I 'm right into it again , being a musician , the privilege and the absolute wonder of a millisecond 's absolute communication with a whole bunch of strangers .
11 I 'm good at it too .
12 So in order to impress her I made a speech and it apparently did impress her because I 'm married to her now .
13 ‘ I do n't want to sound as if I 'm going to break into a chorus of ‘ Tears Of A Clown ’ , but I 'm depressed like anyone else is depressed .
14 At least I know how to chop — if I 'm ignorant about everything else you 're doing . ’
15 I 'm sick of it now .
16 I mean , I 'm scared of anything up , they 'll be some conflict and you do get these kind of people in college as well it frightens me
17 I 'm interested in your even worse there !
18 Memet began to look more relaxed , although not completely , and Constance went on , ‘ So the reason I said all that earlier is because I 'm worried about them mostly .
19 I have to say that I 'm mad about her too .
20 But it would be a big change , and I do n't know that I 'm ready for it yet .
21 I 'm short of something somewhere fifteen two , fifteen four , pair of six that 's all I can there Joy .
22 I 'm conscious of my over-perfectly groomed image which some find off-putting , ’ she says .
23 An ’ I 'm aware of them so much now that I 'd do anyfink in my power to do somefink to them to get self-satisfaction .
24 I 'm stuck for something else to do at this minute , so I might as well listen . ’
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